2007-2008 University of Guelph Undergraduate Calendar

XII. Course Descriptions


Department of Biomedical Sciences

For course listings and descriptions see Biomedical Sciences.

Additional course listings may be found in the course descriptions for Veterinary Medicine and Human Kinetics.

Students wishing to study Physiology can complete a 3000 level course or course sequence in: ZOO*3200; or ZOO*3210; or HK*3940; or BIOM*3100; and either BIOM*3110 or BIOM*3120. In addition, students can select specialized courses at the 4000 level (preferably at least 2 with labs) offered by the:

Department of Biomedical Sciences:

BIOM*4020 [0.50] Physiology of Digestion
BIOM*4030 [0.50] Endocrine Physiology
BIOM*4041/2 [1.00] Mammalian Reproductive Biology
BIOM*4050 [0.50] Biomedical Aspects of Aging
School of Human Biology:
HK*4320 [0.75] Work Physiology
HK*4460 [0.50] Regulation of Human Metabolism
HK*4530 [0.50] Human Cardiovascular Physiology
Department of Integrative Biology
ZOO*4170 [0.50] Experimental Comparative Animal Physiology
ZOO*4390 [0.50] Environmental Physiology
ZOO*4470 [0.50] Comparative Endocrinology