X. Degree Programs

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Honours Programs (BSCH)

Honours Program Majors

The following honours majors are available:

Biological Sciences:
20.00 credits -Animal Biology (ABIO)
20.25 credits -Biochemistry (BIOC)
20.00 credits -Biological Science (BIOS)
20.00 credits -Bio-Medical Science (BIOM)
20.00 credits - Human Kinetics (HK)
20.00 credits - Marine and Freshwater Biology (MFB)
20.00 credits - Microbiology (MICR)
20.00 credits - Molecular Biology and Genetics (MBG)
20.00 credits - Nutritional and Nutraceutical Sciences (NANS)
20.00 credits - Plant Science (PLSC)
20.00 credits - Wild Life Biology (WLB)
20.00 credits - Zoology (ZOO)
Physical Sciences:
20.00 credits - Biological and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (BPCH)
21.25 credits - Biophysics (BIOP)
21.75 credits - Chemical Physics (CHPY)
20.25 credits - Chemistry (CHEM)
20.00 credits - Nanoscience (NANO)
20.00 credits -Physical Science (PSCI)
21.25 credits -Physics (PHYS)
21.25 credits -Theoretical Physics (THPY)
Environmental Sciences:
20.00 credits - Earth Surface Science (ESS)*
20.00 credits - Ecology (ECOL)*
20.00 credits - Environmental Biology (ENVB)*
20.00 credits - Toxicology (TOX)
*also see B.SC.(ENV.)
Computing Science, Mathematics, Statistics
20.00 credits - Mathematics (MATH)
20.00 credits - Statistics (STAT)
Additional Disciplines:
Co-operative Educational Programs:

Honours Program Minors

Minors are available in the following science areas with the particular credit requirements being given (additional minors are available from the College of Arts and the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences). A minor may include additional prerequisites - consult with the appropriate faculty advisor.

Biological Sciences:
Physical Sciences:
5.00 credits - Chemistry (CHEM)
5.00 credits - Physics (PHYS)
Environmental Sciences:
Mathematical Sciences:
Additional Disciplines:

Continuation of Study

Students are advised to consult the regulations for continuation of study within the program which are outlined in detail in Section VII--Undergraduate Degree Regulations & Procedures.

Conditions for Graduation

Schedules 1 and 2

In order to qualify for graduation from the honours program, the student must fulfill all program requirements and have achieved 60%, or higher, cumulative average in all course attempts.

Note: A student registered in an honours program who has successfully completed all required courses and the specified total number of credits for the program but does not have a cumulative average of 60%, or higher, may apply to graduate from the general program.

Co-operative Education Program

Admission to the Co-operative Education program may be granted on entry to the University or by application normally before the conclusion of Semester 2. Application forms can be obtained from the appropriate faculty co-op advisor. In-course students will need to complete successfully an interview in the appropriate department. Students must be either a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident. A cumulative average of 70% is required in courses taken in Semesters 1 and 2 to permit continuation in the program.

Conditions for Graduation from the B.Sc. Co-operative Education Program

Conditions for graduation are the same as the corresponding regular B.Sc. program. In addition, all work reports and work performance evaluations must have a grade of satisfactory or better.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1
