XIV. General Information

Student Services

Counselling & Disability Services

Counselling & Disability Services fosters academic success, personal development, and spiritual growth by engaging students in the life of the campus and greater community and supporting them through the many transitions they experience during their university career.

Because learning takes place both inside and outside of the classroom, we encourage students to take part in the following programs and services:

Counselling Services offers professional counselling to help students deal with personal or psychological problems in order to foster personal and academic growth. Both individual and group counselling therapy are provided.

Multi Faith Resource Team is a multi-faith service providing pastoral care and worship services. This group of religioous persons, representing major world religions, sponsors programs related to agriculture, feminism, justice and spirituality. An interfaith resource centre is open students.

The Centre for Students With Disabilities assists students with disabilities by providing counselling and support, arranging appropriate classroom and exam accomodations and promoting greater awareness and understanding of disability issues in the university community.

Student Support Network (SSN) peer counsellors provide personal support, information, a listening ear and referrals on an informal drop-in and telephone basis. Any member of the university community is welcome to use the drop-in or call (ext. 55002) when they wish to talk to someone or seek information. The Network is located in McNally House (on Gordon Street across from the Science complex), and it is staffed by trained student volunteers. The Network is open Monday to Friday at noon until 10:00 pm. You will see the outdoor sign displayed at the front of McNally House when we are open.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1