XVI. Administration and Faculty

College of Management and Economics

J.M. Christensen Hughes, Dean and Professor (Department of Business), B.COMM. (GUELPH), M.B.A., PH.D. (YORK CAN.)

S. Charlebois, Associate Dean Research and Graduate Studies and Professor (Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies), B.COMM (RMC), M.B.A. (MONTREAL), D.B.A (SHERBROOKE)

S. Charlebois, Associate Dean Academic (Interim) and Professor (Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies), B.COMM (RMC), M.B.A. (MONTREAL), D.B.A (SHERBROOKE)

K. Smith, Associate Dean Executive Programs and Associate Professor Department of Business B.SC (YORK), MSC, M.B.A., PHD (TOR.), ICD.D

C. Bradshaw, Co-op/Career Coordinator, B.A. (GUELPH)

H. Clark, Bachelor of Commerce Program Counsellor, B.A. (MCM)

D.J. Dobbins, Manager, Research and Partnerships, B.A.SC., M.A. (Leadership) (GUELPH)

J. Emeneau, Manager, Academic Programs, B.A.SC. (GUELPH)

F. Hoffmeyer, Assistant Bachelor of Commerce Program Counsellor, B.A.SC. (GUELPH)

H. Huisman, Manager, Finance and Administration, B.ASC. (GUELPH), CGA

A. Jamal, Senior Manager, Advancement, B.A. (GUELPH), M.A.

P.Lago, Manager, Executive Programs, B.A.(NEW BRUNSWICK), MA (WATERLOO)

J. Peleschak, Manager, Marketing, Communications and Events, B.A. (GUELPH)

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1