XV. General Information

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Academic Responsibilities

You have the RIGHT to engage in free intellectual enquiry and, within the limits of the materials and human resources and approved University protocols, to access the resources necessary to plan and accomplish your educational and career objectives. You have the RESPONSIBILITY to:

  • pursue the Learning Objectives* established by the University in the context of your own program and goals;

  • adhere to the schedule of dates* and academic and non-academic regulations;

  • select courses based on academic program requirements*;

  • consult your academic advisor (Program Counsellor, Departmental Advisor, Graduate Coordinator) or the relevant Academic Review Committee if extenuating circumstances affect your academic performance;

  • abide by the University's Policy on Academic Misconduct.1

1 Refer to the Associate Diploma Calendar; Undergraduate and Graduates calendars, available electronically at http://www.uoguelph.ca/registrar/calendars/.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1