XVII. Administration and Faculty

Ontario Veterinary College

Department of Population Medicine

C.E. Dewey, Professor and Chair of the Department, D.V.M., M.SC. PH.D. (GUELPH)

K.G. Bateman, Professor Emeritus, DIP. AGR., M.SC., D.V.M. (GUELPH)

K.E. Leslie, University Professor Emeritus, D.V.M., M.SC. (GUELPH)

S.W. Martin, University Professor Emeritus, D.V.M., M.SC. (GUELPH), M.P.V.M., PH.D. (CALG.IF.)

A.H. Meek, Honorary Fellow of the University, D.V.M., M.SC.(GUELPH), PH.D.(MELB.)

D. Waltner-Toews, University Professor Emeritus, B.A. (GOSHEN COLL.), D.V.M. (SASK.), PH.D. (GUELPH)

O. Berke, Associate Professor, DIPL.-STAT.(M.SC.), PH.D. (DORTMUND GERMANY)

T.S. Chenier, Assistant Professor, D.V.M., D.V.SC. (GUELPH), DIP. A.C.T.

J.B. Coe, Associate Professor, D.V.M., PH.D. (GUELPH)

T.F. Duffield, Professor, D.V.M., D.V.SC. (GUELPH)

V. Edge, Adjunct Professor, M.SC., PH.D. (GUELPH)

V. Farzan, Adjunct Professor, D.V.M. (IRAN), M.SC., PH.D. (GUELPH)

R.M. Friendship, Professor, D.V.M., M.SC. (GUELPH), DIP. A.B.V.P.

C.J. Gartley, Associate Professor, B.SC. (NEW BR.), D.V.M., D.V.SC. (GUELPH), DIP. .A.C.T.

J. Gordon, Assistant Professor, B.SC., D.V.M. (MICHIGAN), D.V.SC (GUELPH)

A. Greer, Assistant Professor, B.SC. (NOVA SCOTIA), M.SC. (TRENT), PH.D. (ARIZONA)

M.T. Guerin, Assistant Professor, D.V.M., M.SC., PH.D. (GUELPH)

D.B. Haley, Assistant Professor, M.SC. (GUELPH), PH.D. (SASK)

S. Harper, Assistant Professor, B.SC. (QUEEN’S), M.SC., PH.D. (GUELPH)

A.Q. Jones Bitton, Associate Professor, D.V.M. PH.D. (GUELPH)

D.F. Kelton, Professor, D.V.M., M.SC., PH.D. (GUELPH), DIP. A.B.V.P.

D. Khosa, Assistant Professor, B.V.SC., B.SC., PH.D. (AUSTRALIA)

S. LeBlanc, Associate Professor, B.SC(AGR), D.V.M., D.V.SC. (GUELPH)

K. Lissemore, Associate Professor, Associate Dean-Academic, B.SC. (TOR.), D.V.M., D.V.SC. (GUELPH)

S.A. McEwen, Professor, D.V.M., D.V.SC., (GUELPH), DIP. A.C.V.P.

M.P. Meehan, Assistant Professor, B.V.SC., B.SC., PH.D. (AUSTRALIA)

P.I. Menzies, Professor, D.V.M. (GUELPH), M.P.V.M. (CALIFORNIA)

K. Morrison, Assistant Professor, B.SC. (TOR.), MS.C., PH.D. (GUELPH)

L. Niel, Assistant Professor, M.SC., PH.D. (BRITISH COLUMBIA)

T. O’Sullivan, Assistant Professor, D.V.M., PH.D.(GUELPH)

A. Papadopoulos, Associate Professor, B.A.SC., M.B.A. (YORK), PH.D. (GUELPH)

D. Pearl, Associate Professor, B.SC. (MCGILL), M.SC. (YORK), D.V.M., PH.D. (GUELPH)

P.W. Physick-Sheard, Associate Professor, B.V.SC. (BRIST.), M.SC., DIP.VET.SURG. (GUELPH), F.R.C.V.S. (U.K.)

Z. Poljak, Professor, D.V.M. (CROATIA), M.SC., PH.D. (GUELPH)

R. Reid-Smith, Adjunct Professor, B.SC.(W.ONT.), D.V.M., D.V.SC. (GUELPH)

J. Sargeant, Professor and Director of the Centre for Public Health and Zoonoses, D.V.M., M.SC., PH.D. (GUELPH)

E.L. Scholtz, Assistant Professor, B.A., D.V.M., PH.D. (CALIFORNIA)

P. Sockett, Adjunct Professor, B.SC. (HERTFORD), PH.D. (LONDON)

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1