Course Selection Windows

Dropping a Course

A student can drop a course (class) from their schedule using WebAdvisor. Students have until the last day of classes to drop courses from their academic record. After this deadline, a mark is recorded for each course, whether course work is completed or not (a zero is assigned for missed tests/assignments). This mark will show on the student's transcript and will be calculated into their average.

If you wish to drop a course after the last day of classes, you will need to submit a request for academic consideration through your Program Counsellor.

If you want to drop all of your courses (withdraw from the semester), please read this important information about voluntary withdrawal.

How to Decide Whether to Drop a Course

We recommend that you monitor your progress in your courses throughout the semester by checking your grades on CourseLink. Resources are available through the Library’s Mark Calculator to help you evaluate where you stand in a course and determine how many marks are still available. It also allows you to estimate your final outcome in the course based on your current grades.

Please remember that encountering difficulty in one course can negatively impact your performance in other courses and/or your physical and mental well-being. Making a decision to drop a course earlier on in the semester can have significant benefits for your overall semester outcomes. To help make the right decision, please take advantage of the academic, wellness and financial supports available to you. For information about potential impacts of dropping a course on your future course selections, contact your Program Counsellor or Faculty Advisor.

Financial Aspects of Dropping Courses

Please note that refunds are calculated based on the date the course(s) is dropped in WebAdvisor. It is important to review the tuition refund schedule for details on dates and refund percentage. Refunds will not be issued after the final refund date, as indicated in the refund schedule, except in cases of extenuating circumstances. Changes in course load can affect financial aid (e.g., OSAP, awards, etc.). If you are receiving financial aid, we recommend contacting Student Financial Services before you make any changes to your course load.