Displaying Results: [2081 - 2090] of 2168
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NSERC Partnership Information Sessions - Strategic Project Grants Linda Martin, Manager of Research Partnerships for NSERC, will present an information session for the NSERC Strategic Partnership Grants for Projects. This program funds early-stage project research... |
9 years 7 months ago | Workshops and Events |
NSERC - SAP Discovery Grants There are three types of SAP Discovery Grants: Individual, Team and Project. The SAP Discovery Grants Program supports on-going programs of research (with long-term goals) rather than short-term goals or a collection of unrelated projects. These grants recognize the creativity and innovation... |
9 years 7 months ago | Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News |
NSERC Promoscience Grants NSERC’s PromoScience Program offers financial support for organizations working with young Canadians to promote an understanding of science and engineering (including mathematics and technology). Through PromoScience, NSERC may award up to $2.75 million each year. Organizations may request funds... |
9 years 7 months ago | Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News |
NSERC - Awards for Science Promotion NSERC awards for Science Promotion focus on people and groups that are inspirational in the way that they promote science to the general public, and are an opportunity for Canada’s science community to recognize, support and encourage outstanding science promotors. Anyone with direct knowledge... |
9 years 7 months ago | Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News |
NSERC Discovery Grants - Northern Research Supplements The Discovery Grants Northern Research Supplements (NRS) Program has been established to help augment and promote Canadian university-based northern research and training. The main purpose of the NRS is to recognize the added logistical costs unique to conducting research in Canada’s north. The... |
9 years 7 months ago | Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News |
Ministry of Research and Innovation Early Researcher Award Round 11 Launched The Ontario Early Researcher Awards (ERA) Program is to help promising, recently-appointed Ontario researchers to build their research teams, and to improve Ontario’s ability to attract and retain the best and brightest research talent. The ERA program is a discretionary, non-... |
9 years 7 months ago | Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News |
2015-2016 New Directions Research Program: PRE-submission Consultation To register: contact Emil Smolders (emil.smolders@ontario.ca |
9 years 7 months ago | Workshops and Events |
Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease (PATH) The Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease program provides opportunities for assistant professors to bring multidisciplinary approaches to the study of human infectious diseases. The goal of the program is to provide opportunities for accomplished investigators still early in ... |
9 years 8 months ago | Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News |
Health System Research Fund 2016/17 Program Awards Launch Webcast The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) is pleased to announce the launch date of the Health System Research Fund (HSRF) Program Awards will be June 22, 2015. MOHLTC will also offer a webcast launch event on June 29, 2015 from 1:30-3:00 pm,... |
9 years 8 months ago | Workshops and Events |
Webinair du CRSNG sur le Portail de recherche et le CV commun En préparation pour la présentation des demandes de subvention à la découverte ainsi que les demandes d’outils et d’instruments de recherche, le CRSNG tiendra des webinaires distincts afin de familiariser les participants avec le Portail de recherche et le CV commun (CVC) du CRSNG et de leur... |
9 years 8 months ago | Workshops and Events |