Customizable Multiplexed Bioassays


  • Allows a user to produce their own customized multiplexed bioassay without the need for complex and expensive microarray spotters or proprietary equipment.
  • End-users create arrays of bioreagent spots by pipetting solutions into temporary wells on the substrate, coupling each bioreagent to the substrate in its respective area.

Applications and Advantages

  • Can be used for research and development that requires non-standard bioreagents, e.g. drug discovery, cancer detection, etc.
  • The multiplexed bioassays made using this technology are fully user-customizable, since their fabrication is finished by the user.
  • No need for expensive equipment or specific technical expertise, basic pipetting and microscopy skills are suffcient.
  • Low sample consumption, compatible with typical bioreagents.


Provisional utility patent application pending in the US.

Seeking licensee(s).


Michael Fowler,, 519-824-4120 x.53808