Tuesday December 6, 2016 8:00am to 4:30pm
Wednesday December 7, 2016 8:00am to 4:30pm
Marriott Hotel, 100 Kent Street, Ottawa, Ontario


The National Plant and Animal Health Planning Forum is an opportunity for all who play a role in plant and animal health to come together to collectively identify, plan and prioritize actions for strengthening plant and animal health in Canada. The honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, will provide opening remarks at the Forum. You can obtain more information on the Forum, including a draft agenda, here.


Registration is now open. There is no cost to register for this event. However, participants are responsible for covering all associated travel costs, including food outside of what is provided at the event, accommodation, transportation and parking. 


Are you doing something to safeguard plant and animal health that others could learn from? Kiosks are available to showcase the great work being done across Canada to prevent risks to plant and animal resources. Contact to arrange a kiosk.

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