Lead Applicant: Shayan Sharif
Research Priority: Animal Health & Welfare
Program Type: Tier 1
Funding Cycle: 2023/2024
Research Centre: Central Animal Facility & Isolation Unit
Research Summary: Avian influenza virus (AIV) is one of the most important emerging and remerging diseases of domestic animals with significant implications for human health. The economic impact of AIV on the poultry industry is very significant. Aside from the great impact of AIV on animal health, some of these viruses pose threats to public health. Vaccination or other immune-based strategies may offer a complementary approach to biosecurity. However, there are very few efficacious vaccines against the avian influenza virus. Previous work done by our lab has already shown that using vaccines and immune enhancing molecules can reduce virus shedding. Although, it is not clear whether a reduction in virus shedding can translate into a reduction in virus transmission. In the proposed project, we aim to develop and optimize ways to confer immunity in chickens against the virus and curtail virus replication, shedding and transmission to other chickens.