War Memorial Hall, 1 p.m. on Feb. 22, 2017

“Think fast.” Those words of wisdom came from U of G president Franco Vaccarino as he addressed graduating students during winter 2017 convocation. We’re rarely told to “think slow,” he added, but it’s an equally important skill in today’s fast-paced world.

“Young people today are able to cope with and process more information and attend to more sources of new information and knowledge than any other generation,” said Vaccarino. But being constantly inundated with information from our smartphones, tablets and laptops makes it even more important to take the time to stop and think.

Vaccarino compared this deluge of data to a river flowing with new ideas and knowledge. “We need to think faster” to process this information while considering its long-term impact. U of G teaches students how to engage in both reactive and reflective thinking to improve life for themselves, their community and their world.

The University graduated more than 1,000 students during winter convocation ceremonies in February. Six ceremonies were held over two days at War Memorial Hall. –SUSAN BUBAK