a student standing in a field, wearing black

Bachelor of Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice

Why study Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice?

How Canada has practiced environmental protection and care needs to be challenged. Together we must create a better future for all beings, and that future starts with you. Our existence is intertwined with the rocks, the plants, the finned, the furred, the feathered, the four-legged, two-legged, many legged and no-legged, those who creep and walk and swim and fly - all our relations. 

Support a world that is more respectful and responsive to all beings. Through this degree, you will consider and embrace Indigenous methodologies and world views in your pursuit of thoughtful environmental work, making an impact through skills and experiences grounded in Indigenous ways of knowing and being. Pursue a career in environmental science with a unique combination of perspectives to make an impact throughout Canada.

To see all courses offered in this program, visit our Academic Calendar.

Similar programs of interest: Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, Bachelor of Bio-Resource Management, Environmental Engineering.


Indigenous Ways of Environmental Knowing and Being

 Braid Together Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Practices

Develop a foundational knowledge of theoretical and applied aspects of environmental science, technology, management, land-use and policy development practices that are grounded in Indigenous ways of knowing and being.

 Learn From Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Holders

Learn through field trips to Indigenous communities and organizations, land-based instruction, interactive labs, and participation in discussion circles and ceremony. You will also learn from Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Holders.

 A One-of-a-kind Degree

This program is like no other program in Canada and has been created with Indigenous and non-Indigenous learners in mind. Core courses address Indigenous knowledge systems, land-based teachings and Indigenous-settler relations in Canada, including the legal and political context that surrounds environmental decision-making in our country.

Indigenous Student Centre

Supporting our First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Students

The Indigenous Student Centre (ISC) supports First Nations, Inuit, and Métis students as a home away from home for the Indigenous student community on the U of G campus. The ISC team, including the Indigenous Student Advisor and a variety of Visiting Elders and Knowledge Holders support Indigenous students with personal, academic, financial and cultural matters, programs and events, and making community connections. Learn More about the Indigenous Student Centre (ISC)

What can you do with a bachelor's degree in Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice?

By braiding together Indigenous and non-Indigenous practices, graduates of this program will see the world through multiple perspectives.

Careers our Bachelor of Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice graduates successfully pursue:

  • Environmental scientist
  • Environmental analyst or consultant
  • Environmental policy maker
  • Conservation officer
  • Environmental law and advocacy
  • Environmental educator or interpreter
  • Resource or land manager

Gain Valuable Experience Through Co-op

Our BIESP co-op is a five-year program, with four co-op work terms, providing opportunities to work with a wide variety of employers, including First Nation communities, consulting firms, municipal, provincial, and federal organizations. Co-op is designed to facilitate the transition of students from academic studies to a professional career improving students’ job search skills, work performance and networking abilities, and boosting resume experience.

BIESP Co-op Calendar

Jesse Popp
Be prepared for some incredible experiences, like no other, that reach beyond the conventional classroom while embracing multiple ways of knowing and seeing the world to support reconciliation and truly transformation of environmental science.

Dr. Jesse Popp, Faculty
Chair in Indigenous Environmental Science
Q&A with Dr. Jesse Popp

Sandreka smiles in yellow sweater
The classes designed specifically for my program are so fun. They are very focused on land-based learning. We spend the whole period walking around the Arboretum learning how to ID plants and looking at trees and making observations of bugs and organisms. We learn about habitats, and how Indigenous people view the land. 

Sandreka Rowe, Undergraduate Student
Bachelor of Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice
Hear more from Sandreka

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