University of Guelph 2003-2004 Undergraduate Calendar

VII--Academic Advising

A university education is a complex and multi-faceted experience, which is best undertaken in a supportive and encouraging environment. As part of its dedication to student success, the University of Guelph is committed to providing high-quality academic advising, in order to assist students in the development and pursuit of academic objectives consistent with their life goals and the available opportunities at the University. The responsibility for developing educational plans and setting goals rests with the student. Academic advising contributes to this process by identifying alternatives, exploring likely outcomes, and referring students to appropriate resources.

Academic advising at Guelph is delivered by a team which includes faculty advisors, program counselors, the Undergraduate Academic Information Centre, the Associate Vice-President Academic and others. Coordinating all activity is the University Council on Undergraduate Academic Advising(CUAA), which has responsibility for overall advising systems direction and policy. The Undergraduate Academic Information Centre provides general walk-in assistance to students and, as appropriate, directs students to specialized advising resources. Each student has direct access to Faculty Advisors, who focus on subject-related issues and advice, and a Program Counselor, who assists with degree program requirements and expectations.

These components of the academic advising system work together to achieve goals and objectives that include:

Within the system, specific roles and responsibilities are distributed as follows:

Faculty Advisors

Role of the Faculty Advisor

The faculty advisor has particular expertise in the program specialization (major, minor, area of concentration, area of emphasis) and the fit of that specialization within the degree program. The role of the faculty advisor is:

Responsibilities of the Faculty Advisor

Every major, minor, area of concentration or area of emphasis in a degree program is assigned a faculty advisor who advises students on the academic requirements of that particular specialization. The responsibilities of the faculty advisor are:

Program Counselors

Role of the Program Counselor

The Program Counselor has particular expertise in the degree program requirements and regulations, as well as the various specializations and their fit within the degree program. The Program Counselor is also familiar with the policies and procedures that govern university practice. The role of the program counselor is:

Responsibilities of the Program Counselor

The responsibilities of the program counselor are:

The Undergraduate Academic Information Centre

The role of the Undergraduate Academic Information Centre (UAIC) is to provide general academic advising information and advice to undergraduate students. This includes appropriate referral to the program counselor, or faculty advisor, as well as other support services on campus.

For some students, the Centre may function as a first point of contact for information or advice about academic program issues. Centre staff operate on an assessment and referral system - first helping the student to identify the problem or issue, and then, as necessary, referring her/ him to the appropriate resource (e.g. program counseling office, faculty / specialization advisor, Career Services, Financial Services, etc.).

At the Centre, students will find general information on transfer requirements and procedures; Continuation of Study requirements; admission and graduation requirements; information about appeal process and procedures; help with interpreting the calendar; or help with different forms. Students who require more detailed information about their particular degree program requirements, or who have more specific questions about changing or adding a specialization, or transfer to a different degree program will be directed to the program counseling office or to the faculty advisor, as appropriate.

UAIC is a resource for all students, with particular sensitivity to issues facing transfer (advanced standing) students, non-degree and general studies students, and "undecided"* students, including first year students or other students contemplating a change in program.

* Although most University of Guelph students declare a major upon entry, "undecided" in this context refers to students who may be declared in a major but are now not sure whether the program is the right fit for their educational, career, or life goals.

The Council on Undergraduate Academic Advising

The role of the Council on Undergraduate Academic Advising (CUAA) is to develop, review, discuss, and recommend to senior administration on an ongoing basis any and all advising-related strategies, policies, and processes.

The CUAA is responsible for managing and directing academic advising policies at the university. The CUAA reports to, and is chaired by the Associate Vice-President Academic. Membership includes broad representation from stakeholders across the university community including, but not limited to: program counselors, faculty advisors, Office of Registrarial Services, Coordinator of Undergraduate Curriculum, deans, chairs, Student Affairs, Office of Open Learning/ SCOL, undergraduate students, Centre for International Programs, and the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Academic Information Centre. The Council normally meets once per semester.

The CUAA develops strategic directions and formulates policy on advising issues, coordinates planning around academic advising issues, and serves as a permanent communication channel to help coordinate the work of the various individuals and entities engaged in academic advising activities.

Program Counselors

Program Counselor approval is required if your Student Type is "Special", your Academic Standing is "Probationary", OR if you wish to take over 3.00 credits in a semester.


Counselling Office Location


Program Counselor

Associate Diploma

(Agriculture, Horticulture)

162 Johnston Hall


K. Hyland (Acting)

Associate Diploma

(Turfgrass Management)

Crop Science Building

Room 212


R. Witherspoon


130 MacKinnon Building


S. Turner

D. Reimer (Assistant)

P. Swidinsky (Assistant)


044 MacKinnon Building


J. Zurbrigg


253 Family and Consumer Studies Building


R. Norris (Acting until 31 Dec. 2003)

K. Revington (Seconded until 31 Dec. 2003)


207 Family and Consumer Studies Building


D. Dobbins (on leave until November 2003)

S. Witol (Acting until November 2003)

J. Emeneau (Acting Assistant until November 2003)


440 MacNaughton Building

113 Reynolds Building



L. Allen

A. Dyer


120 Landscape Architecture


N. Perkins

B.SC. Biological Science

McNally House, 577 Gordon Street



D. Larson

F. Ramprashad

B.SC. Physical Science

440 MacNaughton Building


L. Allen

B.SC. (AGR.)

163 Johnston Hall


K. Sisler

B.SC. (ENG.)

202 Engineering Building


C. Zimmer

B.SC. (ENV.)

103 Blackwood Hall


J. Johnson


448 MacNaughton Building


L. Jones


2652 OVC Main Building

2655 OVC Main Building

54423 / 54668


Dr. L.J. McCutcheon

Dr. P. Conlon

General Studies

130 MacKinnon Building


D. Reimer (Assistant)


Contact Counselling Office for appropriate Program (ie. ND.ARTS contacts B.A. Counselling Office and ND.CBS contacts B.SC. Biological Science Counselling Office)

Open Learning

142 Johnston Hall


M. Smart

Students should present their Academic Evaluation Report plus any updates when seeking academic advice.

Interpretation of University Academic Regulations

A student who requires assistance in the interpretation of the academic regulations of the University or the method of their application in reference to the student's particular circumstances should consult one of the the Associate Registrars (Office of Registrarial Services, Level 3, University Centre), their Program Counselor, or the Undergraduate Academic Information Centre.

Non-Academic Counseling

Students are advised to consult the Counseling and Student Resource Centre sub-section in Section XIV--General Information in this Calendar, for information on the types and locations of non-academic counselling offered by the University.

Program Approval

Students are advised that program approval is required under the following circumstances:

Note: It is the Program Counselor's responsibility to change a student from "Probationary" to "Eligible to Continue" or "Special" to "Regular" student type (see "Student Type" Section VIII--Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures, for definitions of categories.)

Students may find that program approval will be withheld if they do not adhere to the schedule of studies outlined in the Undergraduate Calendar; or, they are identified either by the Admissions Sub-Committee or the Academic Review Sub-Committee as being "Special" or requiring additional stipulations; or, they have not taken the appropriate prerequisites or corequisites.

Students are cautioned that if their selection of courses does not give evidence of progress toward the completion of the conditions for graduation in their program, they may be required by the Academic Review Sub-Committee of their program to fulfill specific conditions for continuation in the program.

In all cases, if course changes are made, the "Course Request" form, with appropriate approvals, must be returned to Undergraduate Program Services, Office of Registrarial Services.

If your Student Type is SPECIAL or your Academic Standing is PROBATIONARY, see your program counselor for approval during the course selection process or when adding/dropping courses.

Note: when searching for a course code replace the " * " with a blank

Admission inquiries: Admission Services ~ ~ ~ General calendar inquiries: Undergraduate Program Services ~ ~ ~ Last revision: 14 May 2003

© 2003 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph