University of Guelph 2003-2004 Undergraduate Calendar

IX--Scholarships and Other Awards, In-course Awards for All Degree Programs of the University

In-course Scholarships - All Degree Programs

David F. Boyes Apiculture Scholarship

Established in memory of David Boyes a technician in the Apiculture Field Laboratory. Application not required. [I0031]

Qualification(s): Student registered in the Fall semester who achieves high academic standing in Introductory Apiculture (ENVB*2210) in the previous year, demonstrates an interest in apiculture and who has participated in extracurricular activities.

Amount: One award of $150

City of Guelph 175th Anniversary Awards

Provided by the Guelph Community Foundation, in celebration of the 175th anniversary of the City of Guelph in 2002, as an investment for future generations. Apply to Student Financial Services, by October 7 of the second year of study, with a letter describing Guelph community and University community volunteer activities and extracurricular activities, a completed Need Assessment Form, and two reference letters not to exceed two pages in length from individuals familiar with the volunteer and/or community service contributions. Award may be held only once. [I0515]

Qualification(s): Undergraduate degree students with more than 5.0 credits and less than 10.5 credits of full-time study must have maintained a cumulative 70% average in all courses completed (5.0 credits or more) in the first year study and have demonstrated leadership and financial need. Applicants must be graduates of a City of Guelph high school and be Canadian citizens or permanent residents at the time of application. Selection will include equally weighted consideration of academic performance, leadership both on and off campus and financial need.

Amount: Two awards of $2,000

CFRU Volunteer Award

Apply to the CFRU Board of Governors by April 30. [I0215]

Qualification(s): Applicants must be registered or graduating from the University of Guelph and have volunteered at CFRU for at least one year. The recipients will be selected on the basis of academic performance and volunteer work at CFRU.

Amount: Two awards of $250

C.G.A. Ontario Award for Excellence

Apply by April 1 to Student Financial Services indicating intent to pursue the CGA program of professional studies. [C0025]

Qualification(s): Graduating student who has a minimum cumulative average of 77% in Financial Accounting AGEC*2220; Management Accounting AGEC*2230; and Intermediate Accounting AGEC*3330.

Semester(s): 8

Amount: One award of $150 plus a credit equalling one year's tuition and course fees towards the CGA program (approximate value: $2,000)

Class of 1970 Scholarship

Established by the Silver Anniversary celebrants to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the University Class of 1970. This award rotates among all six colleges on the main campus. The appropriate College Award Committee selects the candidate each Fall semester and the candidate is announced each October. Application not required. [I0424]

Qualification(s): Outstanding student in any degree program who has attained at least an 80% average in two consecutive semesters resulting in placement on the Deans' Honours List.

Amount: One award of $1,400

Collins Barrow Award

Offered by Collins Barrow, a national firm of Chartered Accountants. Awarded in the Winter semester. Application not required. [I0040]

Qualification(s): Student with the highest grade in course AGEC*3330, Intermediate Accounting, in the Fall semester. In the event of a tie, the scholarship will be given to the student with the highest cumulative average in their program.

Amount: One award of $500

Leonard Conolly Exchange Student Scholarship

Established by students, faculty, staff and friends to honour Prof. Leonard Conolly, professor of drama, Chair of the Department of Drama, 1981-88, and Associate Vice-President Academic, 1988-1992. Apply to the Centre for International Programs by April 5, for visiting during the subsequent Fall or Winter semesters. [I0446]

Qualification(s): Full-time visiting exchange undergraduate or graduate student, registered at Guelph for at least one semester, from any county in the South (a list of eligible countries and exchange partner universities is available in the Centre for International Programs). Selection, by the Centre for International Programs, will be based on assessment of (a) a one-page submission describing the significance of the student visiting Guelph to the program of study at the partner exchange university (b) two faculty references of one-page each, and (c) consistent high performance in the coursework completed, as documented by a transcript of program grades to date, submitted by the home university.

Amount: One award of $1,000

Deans' Scholarships

Offered by the Board of Governors. Recipients will be selected by each of the College Awards Committees. Winners will be notified in the Fall semester. Application not required. [I0323]

Qualification(s): Students registered in any degree program. The primary academic criteria is placement on the Deans' Honours List for two consecutive semesters, excluding semesters 7 and 8, in the previous Fall/Winter/Spring sequence.

Amount: 150 awards of $1,000

Erin Demers Memorial Scholarship

The family and friends of Erin Demers, a first-year student at the University of Guelph who was tragically killed in a car accident in 1996, have established this scholarship in her memory. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1 with a completed Need Assessment Form, along with at least one supporting reference letter from a Residence Assistant, Residence Manager, or Residence Officer. [I0406]

Qualification(s): Out-of-province student who has resided in an on-campus residence during the first semester and who has a cumulative average of 70%. This award is payable in the 3rd semester of study. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need and who have participated significantly in extracurricular activities.

Amount: One award of $1,000

John Eccles Scholarship

Nominations, accompanied by appropriate résumés, are to be submitted to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0093]

Qualification(s): Full-time student registered in semester 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 and living in residence in the Winter semester who has a cumulative 80% average or who is in the top 10% of his/her program. The recipient must have demonstrated responsibility and leadership qualities through participation in residence related activities. Residence Life Staff and paid members of Interhall Council and Hall Councils are not eligible.

Amount: One award of $600

Tara Lynn Giuliani Memorial Award

In memory of Tara Lynn Giuliani, a bright young woman, who did not let her blindness stand in the way of her studies at the University of Guelph. Apply to the Centre for Students with Disabilities by November 25. [I0375]

Qualification(s): Most academically promising applicant with a demonstrated disability and having financial need.

Amount: One award of $500

George A. Gray OAC'51 Varsity Scholarships

Established in memory of George Gray, OAC '51, a Guelph football lineman and a great player of the game. Apply to Student Financial Services by October 7 providing a covering letter describing on- and off-campus academic and extra-curricular activities and a completed Need Assessment Form. Awarded at the annual Athletics Banquet. [I0487]

Qualification(s): Undergraduate degree or diploma students who are members of varsity teams and in the second, third, fourth or fifth year of full-time study with a minimum 70% average in all courses completed in the previous year of study and have demonstrated leadership. Selection will include equally weighted consideration of academic performance, leadership and financial need. Preference will be given to members of the varsity football team. Examples of leadership may include academic tutoring, mentoring team mates, assisting in the organization and promotion of varsity and/or intramural athletics, participation on university committees, such as in residences, on Senate or in Colleges, and similar off-campus activities. Students may receive the award up to four times.

Amount: Two awards of $1,250

Governor General's Medal

Established by the Office of the Governor General of Canada. Application not required. [C0044]

Qualification(s): Restricted to those undergraduate students in any degree program who are graduating in June, or who have graduated in the previous two convocations, with the highest cumulative average.

Amount: One award of a silver medal

Guelph Varsity Athletic Accessibility Scholarships

Established by alumni and friends of the University of Guelph. Apply to Student Financial Services by October 7 providing a covering letter describing on- and off-campus academic and extra-curricular activities and a completed Need Assessment Form. Awarded at the annual Athletics Banquet.[I0518]

Qualification(s): Undergraduate degree or diploma students, with at least 5.0 credits and less than 20.5 credits, who are members of a varsity athletic team and who have demonstrated financial need, are eligible to apply. Students must have maintained at least a 70% cumulative average in all courses completed in the previous year of study (minimum 3.0 credits). Selection will be based upon equally weighted consideration of academic performance and evidence of leadership qualities. Students may receive the award up to four tiems.

Amount: Two awards of $1,250

Kenneth W. Hammond Award

The evaluation of the student will be based on the final essay in the "Environmental Perspectives and Human Choice: 5000 Days" course. The selection committee will be comprised of 4 persons: the donor, the Director of the Arboretum, the Dean of Physical and Engineering Science and the Dean of Biological Science. Application not required. [I0045]

Qualification(s): Student who has best demonstrated an understanding of the world's resource situation and its proper use by humankind.

Amount: One award of $1,000

Highdale Farms Scholarship

This award is not tenable with other awards exceeding $500. Apply to Student Financial Services, by April 1. [I0348]

Qualification(s): Two awards are available for students in semesters 3 through 6 with at least a 75% cumulative average and whose primary area of study is related to the natural sciences. The first award is based on academic proficiency. The second award is based on academic proficiency and demonstrated leadership with preference given to students from Ottawa-Carleton, Dundas-Glengarry-Stormont, Grenville, Lanark, Prescott-Russell and Renfrew counties.

Amount: Two awards of $2,000

Kip Hunter Prize

For the best essay, written by an undergraduate in philosophy. The essay may be either a required assignment for a course (in which case either the student or the instructor may submit it) or it may be specially prepared for the competition. Submission of essays is to the Chair, Department of Philosophy, by the end of the 12th week of the Winter semester. [I0139]

Qualification(s): Any undergraduate who has registered for a philosophy course during the academic year in which the prize is awarded.

Amount: One book prize

Arthur D. Latornell Undergraduate Travel Grants

An endowment fund established in memory of Arthur D. Latornell, OAC '50, who had a life-long professional career in resource management and conservation and a special interest in helping young people. The funds are given to provide twenty-five travel grants. These travel grants are offered to assist students in attending conferences, courses, co-op student exchanges or study abroad programs in these areas. Students may receive this grant only once. Apply to Student Financial Services. Deadline dates are June 1 for Fall travel, October 1 for Winter travel, and February 1 for Summer travel. [I0058]

Qualification(s): Students in semester 3 and above. Students must have at least a 70% average and a primary area of interest related to natural resources management, environmental science, conservation, soil science and/or rural development. Students will be asked to submit a one-page review of their travel experience, including the role the travel grant played, to the University after completion of the travel.

Amount: Up to 80% of estimated travel costs to a maximum of $1,000

Peter Mann Award for Embryology

Provided by colleagues and friends of Dr. Mann, a scholar and teacher of Embryology from 1954-1987. Application not required. [I2032]

Qualification(s): Student from any degree program completing the course BIOM*3040 Biomedical Embryology, with the highest academic standing.

Amount: One book prize (approximately value $100)

Thomas H. Peters Scholarship

Application not required. [I0233]

Qualification(s): Student in any academic program of the University who has completed courses in Land Reclamation (e.g. CROP*2280, SOIL*3200). Applicants must have a minimum of 70% cumulative average and have demonstrated an interest and aptitude in the area of crops and land reclamation.

Semester(s): 5 to 8

Amount: One award of $250

Society of Management Accountants of Ontario Scholarship

The scholarship will be awarded in the Spring semester. Application not required. [I0268]

Qualification(s): Full-time student graduating from B.Comm., B.A. (minor in Business Administration), or B.Sc. (minor in Business Administration), or B.Sc.(Agr.) (major in Agriculture Business or Agricultural Economics), programs. Student with the highest average in the 2 courses Financial Accounting AGEC*2220 and Intermediate Accounting AGEC*3330

Amount: One award of $500 and a free course enrolment in the first complete CMA subject enrolled in the Society's program

Bill Taylor Memorial Scholarship

Applications to include a supporting letter from a coach or intramural supervisor. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0280]

Qualification(s): Full-time student registered in semester 4, 5, 6 or 7 in the Winter semester who has a cumulative 80% average or who is in the top 10% of his/her program. The recipient must have demonstrated responsibility and leadership qualities through participation in intramural or intercollegiate athletics.

Amount: One award of $900

Toronto District Beekeepers' Association Scholarship

A scholarship is offered by the Toronto District Beekeepers Association in memory of the late Hugh McLeod, past chair of the Association. Application not required. [I0285]

Qualification(s): The recipient will have good academic standing, have participated in extracurricular activities, and demonstrated a keen interest in beekeeping.

Amount: One award of $500

University of Guelph Travel Scholarships

The University of Guelph, through the sale of Guelph London House, has established an endowment to provide travel scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students who wish to study outside of Canada but need financial support to do so. A total of $35,000 is available in the fund. Apply to Student Financial Services with a description of the intended travel, an estimate of the travel costs and a completed Need Assessment Form by October 1 for Winter travel, February 1 for Spring travel and June 1 for Fall travel. [T0421]

Qualification(s): Registered undergraduate and graduate students with demonstrated financial need who have a minimum 70% cumulative average in the last two semesters of full-time equivalent study are eligible to apply. The value of the award will depend on the assessed financial need. The scholarship can cover additional costs of travelling outside of Canada including: airfare, administrative costs, and differential costs of accommodation.

Amount: Variable amounts up to $1,500

United Steelworkers LU 4120 Scholarship

Apply to Student Financial Services, by January 31. [I0293]

Qualification(s): Student who is a member or former member, or who is from the immediate family of a member of United Steelworkers LU 4120, and who is entering semester 2, 3, or 4 of a degree or diploma program in the Winter semester. If there is more than one eligible candidate, the award will go to the one who has attained the highest relative class standing in his or her previous full-time semester, provided that a minimum of 70% standing is obtained.

Amount: One award of $800

Van Stralen and Van Der Hoeven Memorial Scholarships

Application will be made by nominations signed by 4 currently registered students forwarded to Student Financial Services by April 1. Presentations are made in the Fall semester. [I0296]

Qualification(s): Students registered in semester 2 or 3 in the Winter semester in any degree program who have obtained a minimum of 70% standing. Selection will be made on the basis of participation in university activities and in the student's home community as well as qualities of leadership, ambition and initiative.

Semester(s): 2, 3

Amount: Two awards of $400

W.N. Vaughan Medal

Prospective candidates will be nominated by Senators and the medal winner will be chosen by a committee selected by the Striking Committee. The medal will be awarded at Convocation in June. Application not required. [C0299]

Qualification(s): Student senator who has high academic standing and who has made a substantial contribution to student life and to the University, particularly through involvement in and commitment to Senate activities.

Amount: One award of a medal

Waterloo-Wellington Chartered Accountants Association Award

Provided by theWaterloo-Wellington Chartered Accountant's Association. Awarded in the Winter semester. Application not required. [I0367]

Qualification(s): Student who achieves the highest academic standing in the course AGEC*3330, Intermediate Accounting.

Amount: One award of $100

Stephanie Wilken Volunteer Award

Established by the Wilken family in memory of Stephanie Wilken, BA 1995. Apply to Student Financial Services with letter indicating the kind and extent of volunteer activities at the Wellness Centre by October 1. Selection committee is the Senate Committee on Awards on the recommendation of the Student Wellness Educator at the Wellness Centre. [I0449]

Qualification(s): Student registered in any undergraduate degree program, who has been a volunteer for at least two semesters at the Wellness Centre. The recipient will be selected on the basis of academic performance in all courses to date and volunteer work at the Wellness Centre.

Amount: One award of $1,000

W.C. Winegard Medal

The W.C. Winegard Medal is the most prestigious graduating award of the University of Guelph. One student will be nominated by each College Awards Committee. The Senate Awards Committee will make the final selection and the medal will be awarded at Convocation in June. Application not required. [I0311]

Qualification(s): Graduating student who excels both academically and in extracurricular activities.

Semester(s): 8

Amount: One award of a medal

In-course Access Awards - All Degree Programs

Brinson Partners Inc. Bursaries

Brinson Partners Inc., with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, has established these bursaries. Apply with a completed need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3526]

Qualification(s): Students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: Two awards of $1,500

Burnbrae Farms Bursaries

Established by Burnbrae Farms, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program to assist students with financial need to continue their studies as full-time students. Apply with a completed need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3525]

Qualification(s): Full-time students with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students with a demonstrated interest in poultry science. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: Two awards of $1,500

Elizabeth Burton Bursaries

Mrs. Elizabeth Burton, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, provides bursaries to students with demonstrated financial need. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3503]

Qualification(s): Students in second, third or fourth year with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: A number of awards totalling $2,900

Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Travel Scholarships

The Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, have established these travel scholarships to assist students study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Apply by letter with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by May 1. ACCESS AWARD [T4532]

Qualification(s): Undergraduate degree students in either the second or third year of study, Masters students in the first year of study, and Doctoral students in the first three years of study are eligible to be considered. Applicants must provide documentation that they have approval from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (i) to take courses and (ii) for the period of the visit. Students must also arrange appropriate University of Guelph approvals for a "Letter of Permission" prior to applying. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: Up to three awards totalling $7500

Class of '72: 25th Reunion Bursaries

Established by the Class of '72: 25th Reunion Fund with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program to support students who wish to study full-time. Apply to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3512]

Qualification(s): Full-time students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: Three awards of $1,000

Euclid-Hitachi Scholarships

Established by Euclid-Hitachi of Canada Ltd., with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, to assist students with financial need to continue their studies as full-time students. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I4517]

Qualification(s): Students with a minimum cumulative average of 70% with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: Two awards of $1,500

Graham Family Incentive Scholarship

Provided by Harvey Graham (OAC '39) with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I4506]

Qualification(s): Students entering the fourth year of a four year degree program, maintaining at least a 70% program average and demonstrating financial need, who have previously received the Harvey Graham Bursary. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: One award of $5,000

Gryphon Investment Counsel Bursaries

Established by Gryphon Investment Counsel, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Awarded in the Winter semester. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3513]

Qualification(s): Full-time students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: Two awards of $1,500

Richard and Sophia Hungerford Undergraduate Travel Scholarships

The estate of Richard and Sophia Hungerford, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, has established an endowment to provide travel scholarships to undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need who wish to study in developing countries, or attend conferences on development. Apply to Student Financial Services with a description of the intended travel, an estimate of the travel costs and a completed Need Assessment Form at least one month prior to departure. Deadline dates are June 1 for Fall travel, October 1 for Winter travel, and February 1 for Summer travel. ACCESS AWARD. [T4508]

Qualification(s): Registered undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need who have at least a 70% cumulative average in the last 2 semesters of full-time equivalent study are eligible. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: Travel grants totalling up to $31,000

Howard and Myrtle Rogers Bursaries

Provided by the Estate of Howard and Myrtle Rogers, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3537]

Qualification(s): Students with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students from Wellington County. Students are encouraged to apply for an award in each year of study. The award may have been held in previous years but students must demonstrate on-going financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: Ten awards of up to $2,000

Scotiabank Bursaries

Established by Scotiabank, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, to assist students with financial need to continue their studies as full-time students. Distributed in the Winter semester. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3532]

Qualification(s): Full-time students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: Two awards of $1,500

University of Guelph Access Bursaries

Provided by alumni and friends of the University, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, to support undergraduate, graduate or OAC (Guelph) diploma students who wish to study full-time but who need financial support to do so. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3522]

Qualification(s): Full-time students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: Variable amounts from $500 to $2,000

University of Guelph Alumni Association ACCESS Bursaries

Established by the University of Guelph Alumni Association, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, to support students who wish to study full-time but who need financial support to do so. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3523]

Qualification(s): Full-time in-course students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: Two awards of $1,000

Mary I.Whitelock Bursaries

Established by the estate of Mary I. Whitelock, a friend of the University, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, to assist students who wish to study full-time but who need financial support to do so. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3524]

Qualification(s): All undergraduate, graduate or OAC diploma students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: Thirteen awards of $2,000

In-course Bursaries - All Degree Programs

Irvine and Grace Black Memorial Bursary

Established in memory of Irvine and Grace Black, by friends and family to recognize their many contributions to young people. Irvine, a well-known sheep breeder, was a judge at College Royal and the Royal Winter Fair for over fifty years, and Grace was active in the Women's Institute and the Fergus Fall Fair. Apply to Student Financial Services with a completed Need Assessment Form and a letter outlining involvement in the 4-H Club and/or a Women's Institute by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. [I3051]

Qualification(s): Full-time undergraduate students registered in any degree program with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to applicants who are, or have been, active in the 4-H Club and/or a Women's Institute.

Amount: One award of $500

International Student Bursaries

Mrs. Norma L. Valeriote has made available a number of bursaries. Apply to the International Student Advisor. [I3009]

Qualification(s): Students who are citizens of Third World countries, as defined by the United Nations, who are registered in a degree or diploma program and who demonstrate financial need.

Amount: Varying amounts

Ontario Co-operatives R. P. Forshaw Bursary

The Co-operatives, Credit Unions, friends and associates of Prof. R. P. Forshaw have established this bursary Apply to Student Financial Services with a completed Need Assessment Form by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. [I3013]

Qualification(s): Undergraduate students who have financial need. Preference may be given to candidates who have been or are members of a co-operative or credit union.

Amount: One award of $400

Bette Stephenson Accessibility Bursaries

In recognition of the work of Dr. Bette Stephenson in supporting students with learning disabilities, the University of Guelph offers bursaries to students who have demonstrated financial need and who have a learning disability. These bursaries will be used to offset the costs of a required assessment, or the purchase of a computer that is required to support their learning needs. Apply to Student Financial Services, with a completed Need Assessment Form by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. [I3054]

Qualification(s): Undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need and who have a learning disability. Students must be full-time (as defined by OSAP regulations) and Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

Amount: Three awards of $1,500

University of Guelph Child Care Bursaries

In order to provide accessible child care to students with (a) child(ren), the University of Guelph offers bursaries to students who have demonstrated financial need. Apply to Student Financial Services, with a completed Need Assessment Form by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. [I3053]

Qualification(s): Students, supporting (a) child(ren) who demonstrate greatest financial need, to offset the costs of child care. To be eligible, undergraduate students must be full-time (as defined by OSAP regulations) and Canadian citizens or permanent residents with demonstrated financial need

Amount: A number of awards of between $500 and $2,000

University of Guelph Undergraduate In-course Bursaries

The University of Guelph offers in-course bursaries to students who have demonstrated financial need. Apply to Student Financial Services, with a completed Need Assessment Form by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. [I3037/I3047]

Qualification(s): Ontario students with demonstrated financial need, who are in semesters 2 to 8, and who are studying full-time (based on OSAP regulations) in the semester of the award.

Semester(s): Apply in semesters 1 through 7

Amount: A number of awards of approximately $1,000

University Police Bursaries

The University Police have made available a number of bursaries. Apply to Student Financial Services with a completed Need Assessment Form by October 7. [I3019]

Qualification(s): Full-time undergraduate and graduate students who have financial need.

Amount: Varying amounts

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Admission inquiries: Admission Services ~ ~ ~ General calendar inquiries: Undergraduate Program Services ~ ~ ~ Last revision: 14 May 2003

© 2003 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph