University of Guelph 2003-2004 Undergraduate Calendar

IX--Scholarships and Other Awards, Entrance Awards for Bachelor of Applied Science

Entrance Scholarships - B.A.SC.

L.A. Beattie & J.C. Beattie Memorial Scholarship

The estate of Jessie L. Beattie has established a scholarship in memory of Lillie Ann Beattie and Jeannie Cockburn Beattie. The scholarship is awarded alternately between the B.A.SC. (odd-numbered years) and B.COMM. (even-numbered years) programs. Application not required. [E0026]

Qualification(s): Student entering full-time studies in the B.A.SC. program or the Hotel and Food Administration, Housing and Real Estate or Marketing Management majors in the B.COMM. program who has achieved the highest mark in English during the final year of high school. In the event of a tie, preference will be given to students from rural areas.

Amount: One award of $300

Clara E. Elliott Education Scholarships

Provided by the estate of Clara E. Elliott, MAC '07. This scholarship is payable in 4 annual installments of $2,000. To maintain the award for the second year of study, the recipients must have at least a 77% average and continue to demonstrate the qualities on which the award was given. To maintain the scholarship into the 3rd and 4th years, the recipient must have at least an 80% average in the prior year and continue to demonstrate the qualities on which the award was given. Students accepted into the B.A.SC. program will be invited to submit an application. [E0210]

Qualification(s): Academically outstanding students, who are entering semester 1 of the B.A.SC. program with at least an 80% average and who plan to pursue a career in teaching. The recipients will be selected on the basis of academic achievement and evidence of participation in leadership roles, especially teaching and education. References from teachers and overall presentation of their application material will also be used to determine award recipients. Preference will be given to students planning a teaching career in areas related to family studies including nutrition education and early childhood education.

Amount: One award of $8,000 ($2,000 annually for 4 years)

Clara E. Elliott Entrance Scholarships

Provided by the estate of Clara E. Elliott, MAC '07. This scholarship is payable in 4 annual installments of $2,000. To maintain the award for the second year of study, the recipients must have at least a 77% average and continue to demonstrate the qualities on which the award was given. To maintain the scholarship into the 3rd and 4th years, the recipient must have at least an 80% average in the prior year and continue to demonstrate the qualities on which the award was given. Eligible students admitted to semester 1 will be invited to submit an application. [E0095]

Qualification(s): Students entering semester 1 of the B.A.SC. program or the Hotel and Food Administration, Housing and Real Estate Management or Marketing Management majors of the B.COMM. program with at least an 80% entrance average. The recipient will be selected on the basis of academic achievement and evidence of participation in leadership roles as indicated by their application material and reference letters from teachers.

Amount: One award of $8,000 ($2,000 annually for 4 years)

Adelaide Hoodless Entrance Scholarships

Established in memory of Adelaide Hoodless, by the estate of her daughter, Muriel I. Bostwick (MAC '31D). This award will be made in two equal installments of $750. The second installment will be paid at the beginning of semester 2 provided the recipient obtains at least a 70% average in semester 1. Application not required. [E0133]

Qualification(s): Students entering the B.A.SC. program

Amount: Five awards of $1,500

Mac-FACS Alumni Association Centennial Scholarship

Established by the Mac-FACS Alumni Association. The winner will be selected from the pool of eligible students not awarded the Clara E. Elliott Education or Entrance Scholarships. [E0162]

Qualification(s): This scholarship is offered to students entering the B.A.SC. program or the Marketing Management or Housing and Real Estate Management majors of the B.COMM. program with high academic standing and who have shown leadership in community-based volunteer activities. Students who have applied to the above programs will be invited to submit an application.

Amount: One award of approximately $500

Mac-FACS Alumni Entrance Scholarships

Established by the Mac-FACS Alumni Association and awarded in the Fall semester. Application not required. [E0167]

Qualification(s): Students entering the B.A.SC. program or the Marketing Management or Housing and Real Estate Management majors of the B.COMM. program. Selection will be based on the highest admission average provided the student did not receive any of the major entrance scholarships.

Amount: One award of $1,000 and two awards of $500

Entrance Access Awards - B.A.Sc.

Tammie Nevills Memorial Bursary

Provided by the family and friends of the late Tammie Nevills (FACS '81), a former teacher at Bluevale Collegiate Institute in Waterloo, ON, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by April 1. Students who have applied to the University for admission will receive a Need Assessment Form for Entrance Awards from the University early in the calendar year. ACCESS AWARD [E3541]

Qualification(s): Entering student who is a graduate of Bluevale Collegiate Institute in Waterloo, ON, or failing that Waterloo Collegiate Institute and demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to eligible students who are entering a major in the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: One award of $1,000

Robert, Louis and Helen Shaw Memorial Degree Scholarships

Established by the Shaw Scholarship Committee with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply by letter, including a summary of local agricultural activities and a completed Need Assessment Form, to Student Financial Services by September 30. ACCESS AWARD [E4520]

Qualification(s): Students registered in the B.A.Sc, B.COMM. in Agricultural Business, B.SC.(Agr.) or D.V.M. programs studying agriculture, horticulture, equine studies, food and nutrition or veterinary sciences with demonstrated financial need, a 70% cumulative average and involvement in local agricultural activities. Preference will be given to first year students from Peterborough County. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: A number of awards of $1,000

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Admission inquiries: Admission Services ~ ~ ~ General calendar inquiries: Undergraduate Program Services ~ ~ ~ Last revision: 14 May 2003

© 2003 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph