University of Guelph 2003-2004 Undergraduate Calendar

X--Degree Programs, Bachelor of Commerce (B.Comm.)

Public Management (PMGT)

Department of Political Science, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences.

The Public Management program is designed to lead to an understanding of public sector administration and management from the "inside" - as an integrated enterprise - as well as from the outside - as a series of policy decisions and outcomes. Characterized by a multi-disciplinary approach employing both political and business-oriented analysis, students will confront questions of why politicians and public servants behave the way they do, and how their policy choices and processes can be optimized. Management of public entitities features a unique set of challenges that arise from and interact with basic political issues like democracy, accountability, equity, fairness, and justice. At the same time it necessarily faces concerns common to all organizations, such as efficiency, human and capital resource management, morale, planning, and adaptation to change.

The program will appeal to students interested in the public service, public sector businesses or business-government relations. A co-ordinated sequence of courses is capped in the final year by a year long research project and thesis.

For this major, 15.00 of the 20.00 credits are specified as core requirements and the remaining 5.00 as electives. A list of suggested electives follows the description of required courses.


Semester 1

COST*1000 [0.50] Introduction to Marketing Management

ECON*1050 [0.50] Introductory Microeconomics

POLS*1400 [0.50] Public Management and Administration

PSYC*1200 [0.50] Dynamics of Behaviour

0.50 elective

Semester 2

ECON*1100 [0.50] Introductory Macroeconomics

POLS*2250 [0.50] Public Administration

POLS*2300 [0.50] Canadian Government

1.00 elective

Semester 3

AGEC*2220 [0.50] Financial Accounting

ECON*2200 [0.50] Industrial Relations

ECON*2310 [0.50] Intermediate Microeconomics

POLS*3250 [0.50] Public Policy: Challenges and Prospects

0.50 elective

Semester 4

AGEC*2230 [0.50] Management Accounting

COST*2600 [0.50] Fundamentals of Consumer Behaviour

POLS*3270 [0.50] Local Government in Ontario

STAT*2060 [0.50] Statistics for Business Decisions

0.50 elective

Semester 5

AGEC*3320 [0.50] Financial Management

COST*3040 [0.50] Business and Consumer Law

POLS*3110 [0.50] Politics of Ontario

POLS*3210 [0.50] The Constitution and Canadian Federalism

0.50 elective

Semester 6

AGEC*3310 [0.50] Operations Management

ECON*3610 [0.50] Public Economics

PHIL*2600 [0.50] Business and Professional Ethics

POLS*3670 [0.50] Comparative Public Policy and Administration

0.50 elective

Semester 7

ECON*3560 [0.50] Theory of Finance

HTM*3000 [0.50] Human Resources Management

POLS*3470 [0.50] Business-Government Relations in Canada

POLS*4970 [0.50] Honours Political Science Research I

0.50 elective

Semester 8

AGEC*4250 [0.50] Business Policy

POLS*4250 [0.50] Problems in Public Administration and Public Policy

POLS*4980 [0.50] Honours Political Science Research II

1.00 elective


The following is a list of courses which may be of interest to students selecting their electives.

COST*2020 [0.50] Information Management

ECON*2410 [0.50] Intermediate Macroeconomics

HTM*4390 [0.50] Individuals and Groups in Organizations

ISS*2500 [0.50] Management in Organizations

POLS*3330 [0.50] Politics and Trade Liberalization in the Americas

POLS*3370 [0.50] Environmental Policy Formation and Administration

POLS*3440 [0.50] Corruption, Scandal and Political Ethics

POLS*3790 [0.50] The Political Economy of International Relations

POLS*3930 [0.50] Politics of the Agri-Food System

SOAN*2040 [0.50] Globalization of Work and Organizations

Note: when searching for a course code replace the " * " with a blank

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© 2003 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph