University of Guelph 2003-2004 Undergraduate Calendar

X--Degree Programs, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Neuroscience (NEUR)

Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences, College of Biological Science.

Minor (Honours Program)

A minor in Neuroscience shall include a minimum of 5.00 credits including:

BIOM*3000 [0.50] Mammalian Neuroanatomy

CIS*1500 [0.50] Introduction to Programming

PHYS*2030 [0.50] Biophysics of Excitable Cells

PSYC*2410 [0.50] Behavioural Basis of Neuroscience, I

ZOO*2100 [0.50] Developmental Biology

and at least 0.50 from:

BIOM*3100 [0.50] Mammalian Physiology I

HK*3940 [1.25] Human Physiology

ZOO*3200 [0.50] Comparative Animal Physiology I

and 1.00 from an independent study project in the neurosciences, selected from a combination of:

BIOM*4510 [1.00] Research in Biomedical Sciences II

BIOM*4521/2 [1.00] Research in Biomedical Sciences II

HK*4230 [0.50] Advanced Study in Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences

HK*4360 [1.00] Research in Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences

HK*4371/2 [1.00] Research in Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences II

ZOO*4500 [0.75] Research Problems in Zoology I

and 1.00 from:

BIOM*3090 [0.50] Principles of Pharmacology and Toxicology

NUTR*3210 [0.50] Fundamentals of Nutrition

PATH*3610 [0.50] Principles of Disease

PSYC*2390 [0.50] Principles of Sensation and Perception

PSYC*3030 [0.50] Behavioural Aspects of Drug Action

PSYC*3040 [0.50] Current Issues in Neuropsychology

PSYC*3410 [0.50] Behavioural Basis of Neuroscience II

ZOO*4470 [0.50] Comparative Endocrinology

Other suitable courses may be substituted for the above with the approval of the departmental advisor for the Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences who is responsible for the administration of this minor.

Students who are interested in this minor must include PSYC*1100 as one of their Arts and Social Science credits and should include CHEM*2580 as part of their program.

Note: when searching for a course code replace the " * " with a blank

Admission inquiries: Admission Services ~ ~ ~ General calendar inquiries: Undergraduate Program Services ~ ~ ~ Last revision: 14 May 2003

© 2003 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph