■ Taxonomic and Host Catalogue of the Tachinidae of America North of Mexico
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Genus Spallanzania Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

SPALLANZANIA Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 78. Type species: Spallanzania gallica Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (= Tachina hebes Fallén, 1820), by subsequent designation of Coquillett, 1910a: 606 (as hebes, with gallica in synonymy) [Palearctic].
CNEPHALIA Rondani, 1856: 62. Type species: Tachina hebes Fallén, 1820, by original designation.
ACROGLOSSA Williston, 1889: 1916. Type species: Acroglossa hesperidarum Williston, 1889, by monotypy.
CNEPHALOMYIA Townsend, 1911a: 144. Type species: Cnephalomyia floridana Townsend, 1911, by monotypy.
CNEPHALIOPS Townsend, 1915b: 23. Type species: Pseudogonia ruficauda Townsend, 1892 (= Acroglossa hesperidarum Williston, 1889), by original designation.
IMAGUNCULA Reinhard, 1958c: 230. Type species: Imaguncula tabida Reinhard, 1958, by original designation.

colludens Reinhard, 1958.– Nevada, Arizona, Texas, South Carolina (S&A, 1965), California, Nevada (CNC).
– Spallanzania colludens Reinhard, 1958c: 231. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: USA, Texas, College Station.

finitima (Snow, 1895).– New Mexico (S&A, 1965).
– Cnephalia finitima Snow, 1895: 184. Type data: syntypes, 4 males and 6 females (3 male syntypes and 1 female syntype in SEMK and 2 female syntypes in MCZ). Type locality: USA, New Mexico, Las Cruces.

floridana (Townsend, 1911).– Florida (S&A, 1965), Texas, Mississippi (CNC).
– Cnephalomyia floridana Townsend, 1911a: 144. Type data: holotype female (USNM). Type locality: USA, South Florida (Miami, Florida according to Townsend, 1941: 19).

hebes (Fallén, 1820).– Palearctic, British Columbia to Massachusetts, south to California, Mexico, and Florida (S&A, 1965), Manitoba (CNC).
– Tachina hebes Fallén, 1820: 11. Type data: syntypes, unknown number of females (1 female syntype in NHRS). Type locality: Sweden, Gotland, Gothem.
– Cnephalia pansa Snow, 1895: 182. Type data: syntypes, 3 males and 19 females (1 male and 4 female syntypes in SEMK, 1 female syntype in MCZ and 1 syntype of unknown sex in NYSM). Type localities: USA, New Mexico (Las Cruces and Magdalena Mountains) and western Kansas.

Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 467)*
Lepidoptera, Noctuidae
Feltia subterranea (Fabricius)

hesperidarum (Williston, 1889).– California to South Dakota to New Brunswick, south to Mexico and Florida (S&A, 1965), British Columbia to Prince Edward Island (CNC).
– Acroglossa hesperidarum Williston, 1889: 1917 (described as "hesperidarum Harris, MSS"). Type data: lectotype female (Harris Collection of MCZ), by fixation of Townsend, 1941: 8 (mention of "Ht female" is regarded as a lectotype fixation; 1 male and 1 female syntype in Harris Collection of MCZ so single female is lectotype). Type locality: USA, New Hampshire. Type host: Epargyreus clarus (Cramer) [published as Epargyreus tityrus (Fabricius)], Hesperiidae.
– Pseudogonia obsoleta Townsend, 1892d: 66. Type data: holotype male (whereabouts unknown). Type locality: USA, New York.
– Pseudogonia ruficauda Townsend, 1892d: 66. Type data: holotype male [not female as cited by Townsend, 1941: 8] (SEMK). Type locality: USA, South Dakota, Brookings.

Hosts from Arnaud (1978: 51), as Acroglossa hesperidarum Williston*
Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae
Epargyreus clarus (Cramer)

tabida (Reinhard, 1958).– Arizona, New Mexico, Mexico (S&A, 1965).
– Imaguncula tabida Reinhard, 1958c: 230. Type data: holotype male (CNC). Type locality: USA, Arizona, Tucson.


Arnaud, P.H., Jr. 1978. A host-parasite catalog of North American Tachinidae (Diptera). United States Department of Agriculture. Miscellaneous Publication 1319: 1–860.

*Host names (family and species) have not been changed from those given in Arnaud (1978). Each host is listed under the appropriate current tachinid name, with the tachinid name used in Arnaud (1978) cited if different from the current one. For more information about Arnaud (1978), and to see a complete list of tachinid names used in that work and their modern equivalents, click here.

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