Career Week - Oct. 30 to Nov. 5

October 25, 2005 - Campus Bulletin

This week is National Canada Career Week. U of G’s Career Services has organized a number of events to highlight resources available to students and alumni as they prepare for the workplace or further education.

“Knowing where to find helpful career-related information allows students to manage and adapt to change more easily,” said event organizer Catherine O’Brien, of U of G’s Co-operative Education and Career Services office. “Acquiring these skills now, will allow students to make the most of new opportunities in the future.”

As part of the week’s events, career services launched its WEBmajors Career Site. The revamped site provides a wealth of career and employment-related information and resources for students. Another online resource, Ambassador Blogs, will be launched Tuesday. The online journals are written by students about their personal experiences juggling school and career planning.

On Thursday there will be a workshop on “Beyond The Company Website — Career Research Strategies” at 1:30 p.m. in the University Centre Room 431. It will focus on providing students with the tools to research an organization beyond its website.

Other programs and events include workshops on writing cover letters and resumes and preparing for interviews and sessions on career testing.

Throughout the week, “Careers a la Cart” will take place in the University Centre courtyard. Students are encouraged to drop by the Career Services “hotdog” cart to pick up information and resources.

Information is also available online or by calling O’Brien at Ext. 52119.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1