Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Why choose a bachelor of science degree in Agriculture?

The world's population will soon be nine billion and everyone will need food – which is why there are four jobs available for every U of G graduate in agriculture. Enjoy learning about food production and the way it should be approached. Gain new perspectives on food through scientific, business and environmental lenses. Focus your studies by specializing in either Animal Science, Crop Science, Honours Agriculture, or Horticulture.

Experiential learning opportunities such as co-op, studying abroad, field trips, and research opportunities. Connect with your classmates and industry members by participating in student club activities, networking events and competitions that will empower you towards a successful career in food and agriculture.

Our highly-acclaimed professors will help you shape the way the world tackles food, and the challenges surrounding food production for the future. Their shared knowledge will set you up for successful careers in fields as varied as livestock nutrition, agricultural mechanics, agricultural economics, and horticulture.

To see all courses offered in this program, visit our Academic Calendar.



You may only select "Undeclared" in your first year of this program. You must select your major before the start of your second year

Benefits of having a bachelor of science degree in Agriculture

 Gain Experience

Enjoy experiential learning possibilities such as studying abroad, international exchange programs, practicums and undergraduate research opportunities. All of which help broaden your network and prepare you for a successful career.

 Hands-On Learning

Get your hands dirty with unique, hands-on learning opportunities including a tour of US agricultural operations, internships, research projects, field courses and fun dairy challenges.

 Learn From The Best

Learn from professors with world-renowned reputations and rich histories in agriculture science. U of G's Ontario Agricultural College has a 150 year legacy of developing leaders in agriculture and food.

 Be the Best in Your Field

Our highly-acclaimed professors will help you shape the way the world tackles food, and the challenges surrounding food production for the future. Prepare for a career in livestock nutrition, agricultural mechanics, agricultural economics, horticulture and more.

What can you do with a bachelor of science degree in Agriculture?

Work anywhere in the world while improving our global agriculture and food systems. Find yourself at the forefront of one of Canada's largest industries, gaining skills and expertise from Canada's leader - that’s the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture degree at the University of Guelph.

Careers our Bachelor of Science in Agriculture graduates successfully pursue:

  • Agriculture Journalist
  • Animal Nutritionist
  • Community Developer
  • Consultant
  • Crop Sales Specialist
  • Government Advisor
  • Greenhouse Manager
  • Landscape Manager
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Plant Breeder
  • Research Specialist

Kurtis Pilkington
I knew that I really wanted to study agriculture, and if you’re going to study agriculture, the University of Guelph is the best place to go. I have always been motivated to make a difference by helping to feed Canada and the world, so I am excited to be a part of a program that teaches and motivates me to achieve that goal. I can’t wait to start exploring the different jobs and research opportunities that are out there because there are many — 4 jobs for every grad!

Kurtis Pilkington
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Honours Agriculture

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Last updated: August 13, 2024 16:57 EDT