The information you provide will be used to create statistics about the composition of our campus community and to inform decision-making across campus. The self-identification data may also be used for compliance purposes, such as reporting requirements of the Federal Contractors program.

All responses will be maintained in accordance with the University’s obligations under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, stored on a secure server separate from personnel files, and kept confidential in perpetuity. Only select U of G staff who have signed a confidentiality agreement have access to the data for analysis and reporting de-identified data. Paper surveys and other written documents will be kept in a locked filing cabinet for seven years from the time of collection at which point, these will be securely shredded. These data will be analyzed and reported in such a way to ensure no individual can be identified with their answers. Note that when inputting single-sign-on (SSO) information to access the survey, password data will not be collected.