The Professional and Career Development Record (PCDR) is a tool built into Experience Guelph [1] that formally recognizes a student’s involvement in on- and off- campus professional and career development activities, most notably experiential learning.
The PCDR is designed to help a student reflect on their transferable skill development and make connections between their experiences and their personal, academic, and career goals.
Aspects of University of Guelph Professional and Career Development
The University of Guelph recognizes professional and career development as the unique and sometimes overlapping aspects of:
- Curricular Experiential Learning and Academic Programme Learning, established by faculty and academic curriculum committees, and supported through the institutional quality assurance process [2].
- Co-curricular Experiential Learning, offered by departments across all divisions of the U of G, and supported through the Co-curricular Experiential Learning Integrity Committee.
- Career and Professional Development, offered through the Experiential Learning Hub in conjunction with on- and off-campus partners.
What are some PCDR feature highlights?
- Students and their advisors can review participation in a wide range of activities and experiences including career and professional development activities, experiential learning courses, and co-curricular activities.
- Students can filter completed activities and experiences by type and transferable employability knowledge, skills, and attitudes [3] developed.
- Only activities and experiences that meet specific criteria and are validated by a U of G faculty or staff can be displayed on the PCDR [4].
- A link to a student's PCDR can be added to their LinkedIn profile.
What students have access to the PCDR?
- All diploma, undergraduate, and graduate students registered at the main University of Guelph campus.
- All diploma students registered at Ridgetown campus.
- Guelph-Humber students have access to a similar tool through Humber College.
Learn more about the PCDR
- Register for PCDR-related information sessions and workshops on the EL Hub Events page [5]. On-demand recordings are also available through the Experiential Learning @ U of G Microsoft Stream channel [6] (uoguelph login required).
- For specific questions, contact the Experiential Learning Development and Recognition Team at [7].