Retiree Privileges
Retirees maintain and have access to many benefits offered to University of Guelph employees, as well as retiree-focused opportunities.
UGRA - Pensioners receive a quarterly newsletter from the University of Guelph Retiree Association (UGRA), a volunteer organization representing all retirees. You can voluntarily become a contributing member of UGRA [1].
Scholarship & Tuition Waiver - This benefit is the same for retirees as for Regular Full-Time employees. Explore learning opportunities such as:
- Tuition Waiver Request [2] for retirees
- Scholarship / Tuition Assistance [3] Plan for Dependent Children and Spouses of Eligible Retirees
- Athletic Facilities - Retirees and their dependents are eligible to purchase Athletic memberships. The Athletics Recreation Information Line is 824-4120 ext. 56253 or visit the Athletics website [4].
- Library Services [5] – The Library provides several library services for retirees [6].
- University of Guelph E-mail Account - During the retirement process, HR will send a Non-Pension forms package:
- It includes a form where a future retiree can choose to keep their e-mail account active
- This applies only to central login ID accounts
- There is no charge for this service
More information regarding the retirement process can be found by downloading the printable Retirement Process [7] document.