International Congresses of Dipterology

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Council Minutes from midterm meeting 2012

Instead of a physical midterm meeting, which as per tradition would have been held at the International Congress of Entomology (this year in Daegu, South Korea), a virtual meeting was held by e-mail on 10–14 September 2012. The Council was informed accordingly in March and the procedure was approved by 11 of the 15 Council members (4 did not respond).

The virtual meeting was opened on Monday, September 10 at 10:00 am Central European Summer Time with an email from the Secretary / Treasurer to all Council members. Discussion proceeded via the "reply to all" function and a formal vote was cast on items 4 and 7.



All Council members attended the virtual meeting with at least one e-mail response.

  1. Approval of minutes
    The minutes of the meetings of 8th and 12th August 2010 prepared by Adrian Pont and posted on the Council's web site ( were approved.

  2. Secretary/Treasurer’s report
    The report of the Secretary had been circulated together with the agenda of the present meeting. It was approved without questions or comments. The assets of the Council presently stand at 3237.55 €.

  3. Foundation of an International Society of Dipterology
    At the Council meetings at the ICD7 in 2010 it was decided that the project of founding an International Society of Dipterology should go ahead, and that the new Council Chairman and Secretary would now move the proposed society forward.

    In a short report, circulated with the agenda, the Secretary summarized information about the possibilities of founding an international society, seated in Munich, Germany. Some concerns were expressed that country affiliation of a proposed society should primarily be chosen on long-term viability rather than present-day conveniences. It was stated that in case of a non-English constitution, there should also be a non-binding English version so it can be read and understood by the international community of dipterists.

    Question from the Chairman: "I am herewith asking the Council to endorse that Marion and I continue to look into issues of constitution, bylaws, tax exemption, etc. with a focus on a German-based (but fully international) Society and bring this up again at the next Congress."
    7 replies received, YES: 7

  4. The Chair and Secretary will continue to look into these issues and will bring this up again at the next Congress. Immediate focus will be on a German-based (but fully international) Society, but with due investigations into possible benefits from alternative country affiliations.

  5. Report on the preparations for ICD8 in 2014
    A written report by Marion Kotrba was circulated with the agenda. It outlined the progress with the organisation of ICD8 in Potsdam, Germany, to be held on 10-15 August 2014. The overall cost presently estimated at € 160,000 will be balanced by a registration fee of € 350-400 from about 300 expected participants, as well as about € 60,000 hopefully to be received from funding agencies. An organisation committee is in place and everything is moving on smoothly and well under control. The report was approved.

    Few concerns were expressed about economic uncertainties. Could the expected funding through DFG and IUBS be relied on? Could a Congress be sustained financially if the number of delegates falls far below what is expected? It was suggested to make a special effort to incorporate Eastern European delegates, possibly by obtaining grants for travel [further details will appear in the upcoming Fly Times].

    Vote: "Do you endorse Potsdam, Germany as the locality for the upcoming congress in 2014?"
    14 replies received, YES: 13, 1 declared abstention (Marion Kotrba, also chair of the proposed congress)

    Potsdam is herewith the accepted location of the next Congress in 2014.

  6. Bids to host ICD9 in 2018
    At the ICD8 the Council will consider where the next ICD should be held and will evaluate and vote on any bids that are submitted. Ashley Kirk-Spriggs reported that he is preparing a bid for southern Africa, most likely Victoria Falls in Zambia. This was unanimously considered a very promising option.

    Shaun Winterton reported that discussions have started on the possibility of a future Congress in California. Brazil was also mentioned as a future host country due to the high number of dipterists. In this context it was suggested to provide guidelines on the ICD homepages on the minimum information required for a realistic bid.

    Bids shall be presented at the Council's first meeting at the Congress. [Remark by the secretary: Please contact the secretary about one month before the congress if you are planning to submit a bid, so it can be included in the agenda of the respective meeting.]

  7. New Members of the Council for International Congresses of Dipterology
    Seven Council members will be due for retirement or re-election in 2014. Irina Brake, Masaaki Suwa and Brian Wiegmann have indicated that they will not be seeking re-election. The Chairman emphasised that according to the Constitution, any two members of the Council may nominate a new candidate, and nominations should be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer together with the accompanying information as required by the Constitution Article VII(2).

  8. Honorary members of the International Congresses of Dipterology
    At present the Constitution allows for a maximum of seven Honorary Members (Article X). It was proposed by two Council members (Thomas Pape, Marion Kotrba) to raise this number to ten.

    Vote: "Shall the number of the Honorary Members of the Council of the International Congresses of Dipterology be raised to 10?"
    12 replies received, YES: 10, NO: 1, invalid: 1

    An amendment of the Constitution can be proposed by any two members of the Council, and shall be adopted if two-thirds of all Council members vote in favor thereof. The Constitution on the Council website shall therefore be amended accordingly.

    It was noted by several councillors that this will be a maximum number that does not necessarily have to be filled.

  9. Any other business
    It was suggested to establish a drop box where dipterists might be able to drop ideas about the Council's operations.


The meeting was closed on September 14 at 05:00 pm Central European Summer Time by a concluding e-mail of the Chair in which he thanked the entire Council for an open and positive attitude to this first attempt of a virtual meeting, and the Secretary for doing the necessary preparations making this meeting possible.

Marion Kotrba
9 October 2012

First published on the Internet on 2 November 2012
J.E. O'Hara