University of Guelph

1996-97 Undergraduate Calendar


XII--Course Descriptions


Department of History

Students wishing to take a 300-level course must have pass standing in at least 10 university credit courses. Students wishing to take a 400-level course must have pass standing in at least 20 course credits. Students should note the prerequisite requirements for upper level courses in planning their individual programs. Content of individual courses may vary depending on the instructor; students therefore should check course outlines at the time of course selection.



49-101 Europe in the Age of Expansion S,F,W(3-0). (C)

This course will deal with the evolution and expansion of European society during the pre-industrial era. Commencing with the upheavals of Renaissance and Reformation it will survey such themes as the voyages of exploration, the impact of western culture on indigenous societies, the development of commercial capitalism, the transformation of science and technology and the conflict between imperial powers in Europe and overseas. Note

49-115 Contemporary History: A Global Perspective F,W(3-0). (C)

This course will investigate the history of the modern world since 1918 by examining selected topics from various geographic areas, according to the expertise of the instructors concerned. Note

49-125 Science and Society Since 1500 F(3-0)

This course is intended as an introduction to the history of science and its interrelationships with society in the western world since 1500, including its influence on the environment, religion, economics and political developments, warfare, etc.. Particular emphasis will be laid upon scientific developments in the 19th or 20th centuries.

49-200 The British Isles, 1066-1603 F(3-0)

A comparative survey of the histories of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales during the Medieval and Early Modern eras. Stress will be placed upon common themes such as institutional development, warfare and the often violent interaction between the English and the Celtic peoples.

49-204 War and Society W(3-0)

Concentrating on developments following the introduction of gunpowder, the course will consider the evolution of military strategy and tactics, the impact of technology on warfare, and the relationship between war and civilian populations.

49-211 The Colonial Americas: A Comparative History F,W(3-0). (C)

A study of the comparative histories of colonial societies of England, France and Spain from their first settlements to independence. The course will compare the interconnections as well as the uniqueness of each colonial society in terms of their patterns of settlement, relationships with native peoples, economic and social developments, and their eventual movement toward autonomy and independence.Note

49-214 Building the Modern City W(3-0)

A survey course which traces the evolution of the modern city with emphasis on Canada. The course will focus on the relationship of people, technology and economic growth on physical form - the planning, housing and architecture of the city.

49-220 Medieval Europe, 325-1517 S(3-0). (C)

The course will cover the major events and developments from the period of the collapse of the Roman Empire and the legalization of Christianity through the 15th century. The emphasis will be upon the factors which led to the replacement of the institutions and attitudes of Antiquity with specifically medieval European institutions and points of view and on the processes which initiated their modification into those of the modern world in the period prior to 1500.Note

49-226 Religion and Society in the Modern World W(3-0)

A survey of the major trends in religious beliefs and practices and their social impact since the Reformation. The focus of the course is on the British Isles and North America with some discussion of developments in Continental Europe.

49-235 Pre-Classical Civilizations S(3-0)

A survey of the history of: Sumer, Akkad, Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Assyria, Palestine, and the Hittites stressing cultural continuity and interaction.

49-239 Imperial and Soviet Russia Since 1800 W(3-0)

An introductory survey of Russian History from the death of Catherine the Great to the onset of World War II. This course will focus on efforts by Russian rulers to modernize the Empire's social and economic institutions in response to Western influence. Attention will also be directed towards specific crises which threatened Russia's stability such as the Crimean War, emancipation of the serfs, World War I and the Revolutions of 1905 and 1917.

49-245 Historical Methods F(3-0). (C)

A course designed to acquaint students with the development of historical writing, the interpretive problems surrounding the study of history, and the methods employed by historians. Note

Prerequisites: two 100 or 200-level course credits in history.

49-250 Britain and the World Since 1600 W(3-0)

This course will survey the history of England and the Celtic Regions of the British Isles from the close of the Tudor period up to the mid-20th century. Emphasis will be placed on social and economic development before and after the Industrial Revolution as well as on those political and military challenges which have characterized Britain's status as a global power in the modern era.

49-251 The Emergence of Modern European Society 1789-1945 W(3-0). (C)

This course will deal with the emergence of modern European society as the result of socio-economic and consequent political changes from the French Revolution to the end of World War II.Note

49-260 Canada Since 1815 F,W(3-0). (C)

A study of the British North American colonies in the changing British Empire; the transition from pre-industrial, rural societies to a transcontinental, urban state; continuing regionalism; the impact of major international events such as war and depression.Note

49-265 America Since 1789 W(3-0)

A survey of the history of the United States since the inauguration of government under the Constitution. Political, social and intellectual developments will be covered, as will the rise of America to world power.

49-280 The History of the Modern Family W(3-0)

An examination of the family since 1500 with particular emphasis on the English speaking world, though comparisons will be made with other societies. Topics considered will include: change in the legal structure of marriage; power relations and sex roles within the family; the role of kin in the family; changing attitudes to sexuality; the attitude of state to the family and its functions.

49-282 Early Modern France F(3-0)

This course surveys French history from the beginning of the Renaissance to the death of Louis XIV. Students will examine the emergence of the powerful monarchy, 16th- century religious and civil war, and social conflict and reform under the absolutist monarchs of the 17th century.

Prerequisites: 49-101.

49-283 The Emergence of Modern Germany 1871-1990 F(3-0)

This course will be devoted to a study of major themes in modern German history, and to an analysis of Germany's role in post-war Europe. Topics include the unification of Germany, the role of nationalism in modern German history, the significance of the Bismarck era, the rise of Hitler and the development of the two Germanies until their unification in 1990.

49-285 History of Greece and Rome W(3-0)

The history of the Mediterranean World from prehistoric Greece through Classical Greece and Rome to the legalization of Christianity in the Roman Empire in the 4th century.

49-292 Republican Latin America F(3-0)

This course will study selected themes in the history of Latin American republics from the independence period to the modern era.

49-293 Topics in the History of Women S(3-0)

The roles of women examined historically. The areas covered will depend on the expertise of the instructor. Emphasis will normally be placed on the history of women in the Western World.

49-295 Black History F(3-0). (C)

A survey of the history of the civilizations south of the Sahara in pre-colonial Africa, with stress on West Africa; a study of the Atlantic slave trade and the dispersion of Africans throughout the Americas. Emphasis will be given to the struggle against slavery in the Caribbean and the United States. The course will also deal with recent socio-economic and political problems encountered by Black people in Africa and the New World.Note

49-301 Government and Society in Tudor-Stuart England, 1529-1689 S(3-0)

An assessment of the challenges facing England during its emergence from a medieval to a modern state in the 16th and 17th centuries. The course will examine such external forces as the Renaissance, Reformation and Scientific Revolution as well as domestic crises culminating in the political revolutions of 1640 and 1688.

Prerequisites: 49-101 or 49-200.

49-303 Celtic Britain and Ireland to 1066 W(3-0)

The social, political and cultural history of the Celtic peoples of the British Isles from Prehistory to the advent of the Normans. Special consideration will be given to the development of Celtic institutions as well as to comparative study of successive waves of invaders-Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Normans.

Prerequisites: 49-200.

49-306 American Society F(3-0)

A study of changes in the American society from the colonial period to the present. Topics covered will vary depending on the expertise of the individual instructor.

Prerequisites: 49-265.

49-309 Nationalism and Internationalism in Europe 1914-1957 F(3-0)

This course will be concerned with two main themes of 20th-century European history: the impact of nationalism and the gradual emergence of international ideas and institutions. Major topics to be discussed include nationalism during the two world wars, the strengths and weaknesses of the League of Nations, and the creation of the European Economic Community.

Prerequisites: 49-251.

49-310 Pre-Confederation Canada F(3-0)

The British conquest, settlement, economic development, formation of political parties, British policy, French-English relations and responsible government are among topics considered.

Prerequisites: 49-211 or 49-260.

49-311 History of Ontario S(3-0)

A broad survey of the province's development from its formation as Upper Canada in 1791 through to the 20th century. Special emphasis will be placed upon social and economic change, and the processes of immigration, settlement, northern expansion, urbanization and industrialization.

Prerequisites: 49-211 or 49-260.

49-313 Folk-Belief, Popular Culture and the Witch Hunt S(3-0)

The course will survey the social, political and intellectual influences upon the leisure activities of Europeans and Americans in the period with special reference to ballads, folk songs, games, street theatre and the carnival. Witchcraft and the witchhunt will be discussed as well as such topics as divination and second sight.

Prerequisites: 49-101.

49-316 Canadian Political History Since 1867 F(3-0)

This course consists of a detailed study of the background and development of the Canadian political process and culture. It devotes special attention to the changing role and character of the state.

Prerequisites: 49-260.

49-317 American Westward Expansion, 1763-1890 F(3-0)

The course will analyse the frontier thesis as a valid interpretation of American History. It will also deal with the expansion of settlement across the continent, Manifest Destiny, the frontier and democracy, and the influence of westward expansion on the American character.

Prerequisites: 49-211 or 49-265.

49-325 The Renaissance W(3-0)

A consideration of the Renaissance in its historical setting, as a cultural movement embracing a variety of aspects of intellectual, political, religious and social life, beginning in Italy and spreading throughout Europe.

Prerequisites: 49-101 or 49-200 or 49-220.

49-329 Europe in the Age of Revolutions, 1789-1848. W(3-0)

This course will examine changes in the structure of European society in the first half of the 19th century; the rise of new forces, e.g., liberalism, nationalism, socialism and their impact on European society and politics.

Prerequisites: 49-101 or 49-251.

49-338 Age of Imperialism, 1870-1919 F(3-0)

An examination of the rise of modern imperialism making possible the rapid expansion of colonial empires after 1870; the nature of this expansion in Africa, Asia and Latin America; and the effects of imperialist expansion upon these societies.

Prerequisites: 49-251 or 49-295.

49-341 The History of Pre-Colonial Africa F(3-0)

This course will include studies on the Ibo, Yoruba and Edo societies, and on the Dahomey, Hausa, Western Congo and Angola states; the effect of the Atlantic slave trade on African societies. Emphasis will be given to the householding system, lineage group organization, subsistence agriculture, and the sources of African History.

Prerequisites: 49-295.

49-347 Independent History Reading Course I S,F,W(3-0)

A course of independent study, based on a comprehensive reading list provided by the department. Students will prepare themselves for 2 written examinations, given at the middle and end of the semester, by reading on their selected field.

Prerequisites: 15 course credits.

49-353 Celtic Britain and Ireland Since 1603 F(3-0)

This course will deal with the Celtic peoples in the British Isles and their effort to maintain their cultural, economic and political independence.

Prerequisites: 49-200 or 49-250 or 49-303.

49-354 World War Two W(3-0)

An in-depth analysis of the immediate causes and impact of the Second World War focusing on the influence of military events, on the social, political and economic developments of the major participating nations.

Prerequisites: 2 of 49-250, 49-251, 49-260, 49-265, 49-283, 55-205.

49-357 Women in Modern Europe F(3-0)

This course will examine selected topics in modern European women's history. Attention will be given to action in the public sphere, women's personal and family lives and occupations.

Prerequisites: 1 of 49-250, 49-251, 49-280, 49-293.

49-360 Modern Quebec Since 1850 W(3-0)

A course examining the social, economic, and political evolution of Quebec as well as the province's relations with the rest of Canada. Topics discussed include nationalism, the role of the church, the growth of trade unionism, Quebec and federalism, the Quiet Revolution.

Prerequisites: 49-260.

49-365 Twentieth-Century America. W(3-0)

Beginning with the First World War, the course will consider the diplomatic, social, economic, and political development of the United States throughout the 1920's, the era of the Great Depression, World War II and the Cold War.

Prerequisites: 49-265.

49-366 Canadian Social History Since Confederation W(3-0)

An examination of selected themes in the development of modern Canadian society such as the role of class, the social consequences of industrialization and urbanization, immigration, ethnicity and religion, education and culture.

Prerequisites: 49-260.

49-375 The Reformation W(3-0)

This course investigates the origins of the European Reformation, and its impact on the social, political and intellectual development of Early Modern Europe.

Prerequisites: 49-101 or 49-325.

49-376 Conflict and Authority in 17th-Century Europe (2-1)

This course analyzes the changing relationships between individual, community and the state in 17th-century Europe. Students will examine the evolution of "absolute" monarchy, and early modern resistance to policies of political, social and intellectual control.

Prerequisites: 49-101 or 49-325 or 49-375.

49-391 Africa Since 1800 W(3-0)

This course will trace the suppression of the slave trade and the opening of Africa to European imperialism. Emphasis will be given to resistance movements and rising nationalism between the two World Wars. An endeavour will be made to relate the national liberation movement to the achievement of independence.

Prerequisites: 49-295.

49-393 Black America in the 20th-Century W(3-0)

A study in depth of the demographic expansion of the Black population in the United States since the Reconstruction; W.E.B. Du Bois, the Niagara Movement and the NAACP; the "great migrations"; the rise of the ghettos; the impacts of the Great Depression and World War II; Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement.

49-397 Independent History Reading Course II S,F,W(3-0)

Similar to 49-347.

Prerequisites: 49-347.
Prerequisite note: for all 400 level courses a 70% average is required in all History courses taken beyond the 100-level.

49-405 Scotland in the Age of Emigration, 1775-1914 W(3-0). (H)

A seminar course dealing with aspects of Scottish social, economic and political history, including the movement of the Scottish people throughout the world, during the 19th-century. The seminars will be based upon an examination of primary sources as well as secondary literature. Note

Prerequisites: 49-353.

49-406 Ireland's Famine and The Exodus F(3-0). (H)

This course will examine the social, economic, demographic, and political history of pre-famine and post-famine Ireland. Topics will include: the famine, the decline of the landed aristocracy, the rise of the peasant farmer, nationalism, and the causes and consequences of massive emigration.Note

Prerequisites: 49-353 or 49-250.

49-416 Seminar in Canadian Political History W(3-0). (H)

Political events, key personalities, the political process, and state instruments and institutions will be analyzed with a view to understanding historical aspects of the political system and culture in Canada.Note

Prerequisites: 49-260.

49-419 The American South F(3-0). (H)

A study of the slave south from colonial times to the Civil War, this course will concentrate on the evolution of the plantation system and slave society, the growth of a distinctive south civilization, and the immediate causes of the Civil War.Note

Prerequisites: 49-265.

49-421 Seminar in American Political History F(3-0). (H)

This course will examine a variety of topics drawn from the 19th- and 20th-centuries.Note

Prerequisites: 49-211.

49-428 Poverty and Policy in the Victorian Age F(3-0). (H)

Starting with the debates over the New Poor Law of l834, this course will examine the changing content of the notion of poverty, and changing methods adopted to treat it. It will also look at the lives of the poor, in so far as these can be reconstructed from contemporary sources.Note

Prerequisites: 49-250.

49-432 Scotland's Century of Revolution 1560-1660 W(3-0). (H)

A study of Scottish social, political and intellectual developments from the Reformation parliament of 1560 to the Restoration of 1660. Note

49-447 Special History Project Seminar I S,F,W(3-0). (H)

This course is designed to train honours students in the techniques of research, interpretation and writing of history. The student will choose a topic for intensive study from a list approved by the department.Note

49-456 to 49-458 Topics in Revolution F,W(3-0) (H)

A seminar course designed to explore one or more social or political revolutions in the modern era depending on the expertise of the instructor. Students should consult the department for specific offerings.Note

Prerequisites: consent of the instructor.

49-462 Seminar in North American Rural History W(3-0). (H)

This course will examine selected topics in the social and economic transformation of rural North America.Note

Prerequisites: 49-211 or 49-260 or 49-265.

49-464 Canadian Urban History F(3-0). (H)

A study of the city-building process, with particular emphasis on the growth of the large city and the spread of the urban network. Note

49-468 The U.S. in the Era of Urbanization - 1870-1920 (1-2). (H)

This course will examine social and intellectual developments in the United States with emphasis placed on the period between the Civil War and World War I. An important area of study will be the nature and consequences of urban development. Stress is laid on the reading of primary sources.Note

Prerequisites: 49-265.

49-470 to 49-472 Medieval Institutions S(3-0). (H)

A detailed analysis of selected institutions and aspects of the later Middle Ages, c. 1200-1500. Students should consult the department for specific offerings.Note

Prerequisites: 49-20049-220.

49-485 Totalitarianism in Europe, 1922-1953 F(3-0). (H)

Using fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and the U.S.S.R. under Stalin as the major example, this seminar course will study the causes and the nature of "totalitarian" regimes in 20th-century Europe. The approach is comparative, and the emphasis will be on internal events. Note

Prerequisites: 49-251.

49-497 Special History Project Seminar II S,F,W(3-0). (H)

A continuation of 49-447. Note

1996-97 Undergraduate Calendar
XII--Course Descriptions

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