Displaying Results: [11 - 20] of 2718

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Eppendorf and Science Prize for Neurobiology 2021

Eppendorf and Science/AAAS established this international prize in 2002. The Prize is intended to encourage and support the work of promising young neurobiologists who are not older than 35 years. It is awarded annually to one young scientist for the most outstanding neurobiological research...

3 years 4 months ago Honours and Awards
Faculty Information Exchange Series 2019-20: Recruiting and Managing a Strong Student and Postdoctoral-Based Research Team

Led by:

  • Dr. Georgia Mason, Professor, Department of Animal Biosciences
  • Dr. Nita Chhinzer, Associate Professor, Leadership & Organizational Management
  • Dr. Karl Cottenie, Associate Professor...
4 years 10 months ago Workshops and Events
Faculty Information Exchange Series 2022-2023: Creating and Sustaining Diverse Research Teams

Led by:

  • Dr. Leanne Son Hing, Professor, Department of Psychology, SSHRC-funded EDI researcher, Former CIFAR Fellow
  • Dr. Graham Taylor, Professor, School of Engineering, Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Machine Learning
  • ...
1 year 5 months ago Workshops and Events
GENDER-NET Plus ERA-NET Cofund – Webinar

To find out more about how to apply to the Gender-NET Plus ERA-NET Co-fund opportunity, and learn more about GENDER-NET Plus, please join NSERC for a one-hour webinar.

6 years 7 months ago Workshops and Events
Green Heat: Retrofitting Older Buildings for Low Carbon Heating (2021)

With the largest infrastructure portfolio in the federal government, the Department of National Defence (DND) is always looking for ways to reduce its environmental impact.

That’s why Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security...

3 years 9 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
India research meeting

University of Guelph researchers whose research focuses on India are invited to meet to get to know each others' work, share experiences of doing research in India and explore opportunities for future collaborations. All faculty and graduate students whose research is about India are welcome. ...

8 years 7 months ago Workshops and Events
Lasker Medical Research Awards 2022

The Lasker Awards program was created in 1945 by Albert and Mary Lasker to shine a spotlight on fundamental biological discoveries and clinical advances that improve human health, and to draw attention to the importance of public support of science.

The Foundation will...

2 years 11 months ago Honours and Awards
Multiple Sclerosis and Lupus Research Program

This US Department of Defense (DoD) recently released the following funding opportunity pre-announcements:

Multiple Sclerosis Research Program (MSRP)

  • Clinical Trial Award
  • Early Investigator Research Award
  • Exploration - Hypothesis Development Award...
3 years 6 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
National Plant and Animal Health Planning Forum

The National Plant and Animal Health Planning Forum is an opportunity for all who play a role in plant and animal health to come together to collectively identify, plan and prioritize actions for strengthening plant and animal health in Canada. The honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of...

7 years 10 months ago Workshops and Events
New CIHR Application Administration Guide Now Available

The new CIHR Application Administration Guide (previously the CIHR Grants and Awards Guide) is now available on the CIHR website.

Resources to support the research community include ...

4 years 10 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News