
Gairdner Foundation


The Gairdner Foundation invites Ontario Universities and Research Institutes to submit proposals to host a partnered international symposium at the frontiers of biomedicine to be held in 2019.

With support from the Government of Ontario, the Gairdner Foundation partners with universities and institutes to hold an annual one-day symposium each calendar year. Drawing on the Canada Gairdner Awards’ history of recognizing the best in biomedical science, these symposia bring experts from across the world, along with leading Canadian researchers, to present on the state of their field
to an audience of students, faculty, and health and science professionals. Inclusion of outreach activities such as public lectures is encouraged.

The Foundation is open to proposals from all fields of health research with particular emphasis on recent advancements and breakthrough research.

As a partner, the Gairdner Foundation will provide funding for communications support to the host university/institute, and is involved in the planning of the final program.

Universities and institutes are welcome to submit multiple proposals, however only one submission can be accepted per Proposal Leader.

Maximum Project Value

Up to $25,000


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Proposal Leader to submit a proposal including the following to sarah@gairdner.org :

  • Proposal Leader/s, including position and full contact information
  • Sponsoring Department/Faculty/Institute
  • Preliminary Symposium Title
  • Proposed date ( please avoid the Gairdner week, Oct 21-25, 2019)
  • Area of Research Description
  • Goals and Intentions for the Symposium
  • Draft Program/ Potential Speakers
  • Draft Budget including potential sources of sponsorship and estimated costs
  • Suggested additional elements (public lectures, student discussions, social events, etc.)

More information can be found on the Gairdner Foundation website.

For Questions, please contact

Sarah Devonshire
(416) 596 9996 x 205

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences