Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC)
Dairy Research Cluster 3
For More Information
Background on the Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC), the Dairy Research Cluster 3 (2018-2023), and details about this call for Letters of Intent (LOI) can be found on the DFC website.
To access a copy of the following documents with detailed information, click on the links below:
Since 2010, DFC has been a partner of the Canadian Agri-Science Clusters Initiative of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) as part of the strategic framework Growing Forward 1 (2010-2013) and Growing Forward 2 (2013-2018). This initiative allowed us to take a more coordinated and strategic approach to address our national research priorities. Therefore, DFC supports the renewal of this program as part of the next agricultural strategic framework. DFC is of the opinion that AAFC places a high priority on innovation and that circumstances are favorable to make a case for beginning the planning process of a third Dairy Research Cluster.
In preparation for the next Dairy Research Cluster application, DFC, in collaboration with its partners the Canadian Dairy Network (CDN) and Novalait Inc., is launching a call for research proposals. DFC invites all Canadian scientists to respond to this call. Please note that DFC does not fund research conducted by private companies.
This call for proposals is launched within the Canadian scientific community for the submission of innovative and structured research proposals for the dairy sector on the basis of the targeted outcomes and investment priorities identified in the new national dairy research strategy and the priorities of our partners. Research proposals will be selected through an evaluation process based on the relevance for the industry and on the scientific quality. The selected proposals will be integrated in the scientific program of the next Dairy Research Cluster. DFC is forging ahead with the development of a proposal aimed at this AAFC program, even though the program has not yet been officially announced by AAFC.
Canadian scientists
Indirect Costs
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
External Deadline | Please note that letters of intent must be submitted to the sponsor no later than February 1, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. (local time zone of principal investigator). |
How to Apply
The submission of a Letter of Intent (LOI) is the first step of the application process. If your LOI is approved, you will be invited to submit a full funding application (FA).
- Letter of interest
- Specifications for LOI:
- Use the appropriate Dairy Research Cluster 3 PDF form.
- The French template of the LOI form is available on request. However, LOIs submitted in French will be translated for English reviewers without the possibility for the principal investigator and/or his team reviewing the translation.
- The form is available at www.dairyresearch.ca.
- LOIs must be submitted to competition@dairyresearch.ca by February 1st, 2017 at 11:59 p.m..
- Researchers are not required to submit their LOI to the Office of Research for approval before submission to the sponsor. Researchers are asked to send a copy of their proposal to the Office of Research for information purposes only (no OR-5 required at the LOI stage).
- Researchers will be notified by the sponsor if they have been invited to submit a full funding application.
- Specifications for LOI:
- Full application
Only successful applicants will be invited to submit a full funding application for consideration. Those invited to submit a full funding application must submit their full proposal to the Office of Research two weeks in advance of the sponsor's deadline, along with a signed OR-5.
Information For Co-applicants
If you are part of an application or team that has been invited to submit a full proposal but are not the lead, please contact the Office of Research as soon as possible.