Genome Canada via Ontario Genomics
Canadian Precision Health Initiative
For More Information
See the Genome Canada website.
Generating Population-Level Genomic Data- Pillar 1 of the Canadian Precision Health Initiative
Genome Canada has launched a new funding opportunity for generation of population-level genomic data, which will be the first pillar of its soon-to-be announced large-scale precision health initiative. The goal of Genome Canada’s planned investment in the first pillar of the initiative is to sequence the genomes of at least 100,000 Canadians, reflecting Canada’s unique and diverse population. This will provide the rich dataset needed to advance research, drive innovation and improve health-care outcomes for all Canadians.
- Each funded project must generate a minimum of 2,000 genomes. The GRC may consider projects with a smaller number in specific circumstances where needed and where statistical power at the project level can be justified.
- Whole-genome sequencing must be completed by a Genome Canada–approved SC. Material transfer agreements must be in place before samples can be sent to an SC. Project teams must be able to operate and execute the sequencing program that allows the validation of deposited whole-genome sequences into the national databank to provide payments.
- Projects must include self-identified race, ethnicity and ancestry data in their depositions and are required to report and quantitatively characterize this data. Additionally, the methodology used for collecting and analyzing this data must be clearly documented in the project protocols.
- Research Ethics Board approval must be obtained and shared with Genome Canada before biological samples are shared with the SC.
See Funding Opportunity for full eligibility criteria.
Funding Availability
There is an approximately $60 million investment available from Genome Canada for short-read data generation using Illumina technology.
- Genome Canada’s contribution to an approved project can be up to $6 million.
- A project’s eligible costs must be co-funded from eligible sources such that the co-funding is at least equal to the Genome Canada contribution. See the Genome Canada Guidelines for Funding for more details.
- Successful teams must have completed all project activities by March 31, 2029. The final report (including financial reconciliation) must be provided by June 30, 2029. Funding for the generation of long-read genome sequencing is also available to enhance the utility of the dataset generated. Please note that this additional funding will be available only to projects that are approved for funding for short-read, whole-genome sequencing data generation.
Indirect Costs
0% indirect costs on Ontario Genomics funds. Partner cash contributions subject to 40%. See Full Cost of Research Policy for more details.
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
External Deadline | Applicants to submit LOIs directly to Ontario Genomics. | |
Internal Deadline | Those invited to full proposal stage are required to submit the full proposal and all attachments along with a signed OR-5 form to research.services@uoguelph.ca | |
External Deadline | Applicants to submit their full proposal to Ontario Genomics. |
How to Apply
Genome Canada requires applicants to submit both an LOI and, later in the process, a full proposal. Applicants are required to apply through Genome Canada’s Proposal Central Portal, usually through a regional Genome Centre.
Letter of Intent
Each applicant will use a brief LOI to indicate their interest in applying for Genome Canada funding under Pillar 1 of the initiative. The LOI will enable an eligibility check by Genome Canada to ensure the LOI meets the requirements. Only LOIs that show potential for inclusion will be invited to submit a full proposal. In the LOI, applicants will be required to briefly describe:
- The proposed project plan.
- The expected deliverables.
- The planned number of genomes to be sequenced per annum.
- How the genomic data generated will represent Canada’s diversity and/or address significant population-level gaps in the country’s reference genomic library.
- The potential clinical impacts and benefits to Canada’s health-care systems.
Projects must also confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria of the population-level genomic data generation pillar. If they do not, they must provide an overview of how they intend to meet the criteria by the start date of the project. Applicants must also provide a summary of their budget and co-funding plan.
Full Proposal
Applicants who succeed at the LOI stage will be asked to submit a full proposal. Full proposals must address the evaluation criteria for individual projects established for the funding opportunity.
Information For Co-applicants
If you need to meet a deadline set by the lead institution for this opportunity, please ensure that you provide the Office of Research with at least five days notice in advance of the lead institution’s deadline to review the application, or your proposed component of the project. Please be in touch with the Office of Research (contact information below) ahead of the deadline if it looks like it will be difficult for you to submit all the required documentation on time (i.e. budget, proposal, OR-5 Form).