
Global Affairs Canada and the Chinese Ministry of Education


Canada-China Scholars' Exchange Program

For More Information

For more information, please view the program's guidelines, value and duration, eligibility, key dates, and application instructions.


Global Affairs Canada and the Chinese Ministry of Education are offering short-term scholarships to Canadians wishing to study abroad in China. Scholarships are awarded for studies, research, language studies or a combination of studies and language studies at participating Chinese institutions.

Scholarships are available for studies and research, for a combination of studies and language studies, or for language studies only. Scholarships are not to be used towards a degree in China.

Scholarships are tenable at Chinese institutions that admit scholarship recipients of the Government of China. These institutions are marked by an asterisk (*) in the list of participating Chinese institutions.

For students, each award is tenable for a period of no more than 12 months and no less than four months.

For mid-career professionals and faculty members, awards are tenable for a period of no more than 12 months and no less than eight weeks.

The scholarship is tenable between September 2017 and August 2018.


Applicants must:

  • be Canadian citizens residing in Canada;
  • be either:
    • a full-time permanent professor or research staff at a recognized post-secondary education or research institution in Canada;
    • a student enrolled in either a college, undergraduate or graduate program at a recognized post-secondary education institution in Canada; or
    • a mid-career professional from a Canadian government, media or cultural organization, or national education association, who has a graduate studies (Master's or PhD) degree and has managerial, policy development or decision making responsibilities for at least three years with the organization;
  • have achieved the required level of written and spoken Chinese by the host institution in China, if applicable;
  • undertake studies in an approved subject area in a Chinese institution;
  • not be seeking a degree in China; and
  • be under 50 years of age.

Additional qualifications and requirements apply.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Step One: DFATD Online Application

Applicants are encouraged to carefully read the instructions before beginning the online form. Applicants must first complete and submit the online application form and provide the supporting documents as requested.

External Deadline

Step Two: China Scholarship Council (CSC) Application

Applicants must complete and submit the online application from the China Scholarship Council website. (Please note: it is recommended that Internet Explorer, version 6.0 or 7.0, is used to access the online application; other browsers might not work.) The CSC requires that all applicants submit their online application form in English. Applicants also complete an application package submitted by mail.

For Questions, please contact

Applicants are encouraged to carefully read the instructions below before beginning the DFATD Online Application form. If applicants experience difficulty filling out or submitting the form, they should send an email to admin-scholarships-bourses@cbie.ca.

All inquiries regarding this scholarship should be directed to:

Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Canada
Attention: Education Office - Canada-China Scholars' Exchange Program
396 Wilbrod Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6M8
Tel: (613) 783-3562
Fax: (613) 789-0262
Email: daizhehua@cnembedu.ca

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