Updated Information

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How to Navigate Post-Award Activities: At this point, you have secured funding from your industry partner with matching provincial, federal, and/or any other funding sources. This session will navigate the requirements for post-award activities beginning with the process for account setup in the financial system (FRS), monitoring project budgets, invoicing and purchasing for your project needs, reporting requirements, and finalizing a project. Research Financial Services will provide support and guidance over this time for you. You will learn who to connect with in RFS in order to get started with your newly awarded funding and who you will be working with throughout the duration of your project.

Monday May 10, 2021 10:00am to 12:00pm
Microsoft Teams

Industry Partnership Week will take place Monday, May 10th - Friday, May 14th from 10:00 am-12:00 pm each day. All information, including dates, times, links, and how to register, can be found on this central landing page.


Industry Partnerships Week is a series of virtual sessions focused on industry-partnered research. Designed for University of Guelph researchers, this series aims to demystify the entire process of conducting research with an industry partner from identifying potential partners to negotiating contracts to post-award activities. 

These sessions are specifically ordered to walk researchers through the research process but sessions can be attended as single sessions if you are seeking specific information. These sessions will be recorded and all materials and videos will be made available so that this information can be accessed at any time in future.

For all up-to-date information and to register, please visit the central landing page for Industry Partnerships Week. 

Session Descriptions

  • Intro to Industry Partnerships: Are you interested in seeking industry funds to further your research program? Join this session to gain insights on the common types of partnerships the University of Guelph engages with industry partners on, including Grant Agreements, Research Contracts and Service Contracts, as well as Data-Sharing Agreements. Members of the Research Innovation Office and Office of Research Services will also discuss the value of industry partnerships and outline the ecosystem of support available to you within your College, the Research Innovation Office, and the Office of Research Services, for navigating research involving industry partners. 
  • How to Identify a Good Partner: There are many advantages that can result from working collaboratively with industry. Getting to know potential partners, and understanding their interests and their capacity to engage in research can be a time-consuming process. This workshop will focus on best practices for initiating new partnerships, common expectations held by industry and other external partners, and strategies that researchers can use to assess the suitability of a partner for their research program. Members of the Research Innovation Office will share insights on their work managing enquiries from industry and fostering new research partnerships.
  • Building Productive Research Partnerships: Many researchers achieve impact and success because of long-term relationships formed with industry and external partners. This workshop will help researchers to develop a strategy for cultivating fruitful collaborations and to optimize the way they work with external partners. Researchers will learn best practices for developing effective partnerships including outreach strategies and industry liaison support.
  • Logistics of Negotiating a Partnership: You’ve secured funding from an industry partner and discussed what type of agreement needs to be put in place. What’s next? Join this session to gain a further understanding of the logistics involved in finalizing your partnership, including agreeing upon a Statement of Work & Budget, as well as how to correctly complete an OR-5 for industry funding for service or research work. 
  • How to Match Funds: Congratulations on securing an industry partner! Now the question becomes, is there an opportunity to leverage this industry support through provincial or federal funding sources? Join this session to learn the basics on the common funding organizations used to match industry dollars, including NSERC Alliance, Mitacs, Ontario Centre of Innovation, Genome Canada & SSHRC.
  • How to Create Awareness: This session will focus on how you can mobilize your research to industry, government, and community partners. In this session, you will learn the questions to consider when communicating your research, principles of plain language to ensure your message is clear, examples of knowledge mobilization, and best practices.
  • How to Navigate Post-Award Activities: At this point, you have secured funding from your industry partner with matching provincial, federal, and/or any other funding sources. This session will navigate the requirements for post-award activities beginning with the process for account setup in the financial system (FRS), monitoring project budgets, invoicing and purchasing for your project needs, reporting requirements, and finalizing a project. Research Financial Services will provide support and guidance over this time for you. You will learn who to connect with in RFS in order to get started with your newly awarded funding and who you will be working with throughout the duration of your project.
  • ​​​​​​​How to Navigate IP Basics​​​​​​​: Are you struggling to understand what is intellectual property (IP) and what is not?  What is worth protecting and what is not?  Academics are seen as one of the main sources of IP-based discoveries generated during basic research. Attend this session to learn more about where and when to look for new IP in your research, when to report it to the Research Innovation Office, and when to get help to commercialize it. Patents are very useful for some industries and much less so for others. Learn how to use patents efficiently to enable future funding and commitment from industry partners to bring your research to the world as a new product.
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