Updated Information

Updated information for the August 24 and September 23 sessions.

Thursday June 24, 2021 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Thursday July 8, 2021 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Submission of a Notification of Intent to Apply

Use Webex for live Q&A for June 24, 2021
Use Webex for live Q&A for July 8, 2021

To join the webinar on the date and time specified, please use the links above and enter your name and email address. Note, the password is pre-filled.

Please view the pre-recorded videos about the NOI process on YouTube prior to attending the live sessions.

Tuesday August 24, 2021 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Thursday September 23, 2021 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Submission of an Application

Use Webex for live Q&A for August 24, 2021 (password: FAAug24)
Use Webex for live Q&A for September 23, 2021 (password: FASept23)

To join the webinar on the date and time specified, please use the links above and enter your name and email address. Note, the password is pre-filled.

In preparation for the live sessions, please view the pre-recorded videos about the full application process on YouTube. Also, NSERC encourages applicants to famialirize themselves with the following documents: 


Due to COVID-19, NSERC is replacing live webinars with pre-recorded videos followed by live Q&A sessions. This series is meant to assist the research community on how to complete an application using the Research Portal and the NSERC Canadian Common CV (CCV). Pre-registration is not required to attend the live Q&A sessions. 

Please view the links above for the pre-recorded videos as well as the dates for these upcoming live Q&A sessions related to the NSERC Discovery Grants program. NSERC asks for individuals to view the pre-recorded videos prior to attending a live Q&A session as the material presented in the video will not be repeated.

For more information on the NSERC Discovery Grants program, please visit their program website.

For more information on the webinar sessions, please visit NSERC's website.

Alert Classifications
Workshops and Events

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering