Thursday February 22, 2018 11:00am to 12:00pm
UC 441 - Information Session
Thursday February 22, 2018 1:00pm to 3:20pm
UC 429 - One-on-One Consultation Sessions


Take advantage of the opportunity to meet Ontario Genomics in advance of an exciting program launch, for the  Genome Canada - Large Scale Applied Research Project (LSARP) competition. Expected to be formally launched in June 2018, the focus of this LSARP funding opportunity will likely be agriculture, agri-food and fisheries/aquaculture. While the competition objectives and principles and the selection and evaluation criteria are still being finalized, Ontario Genomics and the University of Guelph wish to alert potential applicants of this pending competition so application preparation can begin without delay.

Based on past LSARP competitions, projects will likely need to be: large scale applied scientific or GE3LS (social science/humanities pertaining to genomics) projects that focus on using genomic approaches within the agriculture, agri-food and fisheries/aquaculture sectors; include end users as part of the project teams; be multi-disciplinary (science and social science/humanities); and have a total 4-year budget between $2M-$10M. Co-funding will be required and project deliverables will need to lead to social and/or economic benefits to Canada.


11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  Information session

Location: University Centre (UC 441)

Researchers will learn more about the competition and how to work with partners and Ontario Genomics to position a research project for success from application stage through implementation.


       John Livernois - Associate Vice-President (Research Services), University of Guelph

       Caitlin Taylor - Senior Manager, Research and Business Development, Ontario Genomics

       Filippo Miglior - LSARP grant holder and Chief, Research & Strategic Development, Canadian Dairy Network,  Adjunct Professor, University of Guelph

1:00 p.m. – 3:20 p.m.  One-on-one consultation sessions

Location: University Centre (UC 429)

Researchers can book a 20-minute consultation session with Ontario Genomics in advance via Office of Research Services.  We recommend booking your session soon.

Researchers will have an opportunity to meet individually with Caitlin Taylor, Senior Manager, Research and Business Development, Ontario Genomics to discuss their potential projects. This early contact will increase your project teams’ chances to prepare eligible and highly competitive applications for this rigorous application process, including early identification of collaborators, end users and co-funding sources.

20-minute consultation sessions are available after the information session from 1:00 p.m. – 3:20 p.m., in University Centre (UC) Room 429.

To RSVP to the Information Session or to book a one-on-one consultation, please write to Milka Popov, referencing the “Ontario Genomics 2018 LSARP Information Session”, by Feb 21, 2018.

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