



For More Information

For more information, please go to SSHRC's program website, or the contest rules and regulations.


SSHRC’s Storytellers contest challenges postsecondary students to show Canadians how social sciences and humanities research is affecting our lives, our world and our future for the better. Storytellers and data journalists, social media masters and aspiring filmmakers are all invited to participate.

Your challenge? In three minutes or 300 words, tell Canadians about a great SSHRC-funded project happening at your school. The project can be yours or it can be a professor’s (get their permission first!), but your story should be creative, compelling and clear. Your submission must be an original work—video, audio, text or infographic—featuring research funded by SSHRC and carried out at the institution at which you are enrolled at the time of submission. It must not exceed three (3) minutes in length for video or audio, or 300 words for text or infographic.

In Phase 1: Pitch, the top 25 submissions will receive a cash prize of $3,000. The chances of winning a prize in Phase 1 are dependent on the total number and quality of eligible submissions received before the Phase 1 closing date of January 31, 2017, at 4:59 p.m. EST.

In Phase 2: Share, those top 25 finalists will join us at the 2017 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Ryerson University, to attend a special communications master class and deliver a live presentation at the Storytellers Showcase. At this showcase event, our judges will select the Final 5 winners, who will receive an expense-paid trip for their presentations to be featured at the 2017 SSHRC Impact Awards event. The chances of winning in Phase 2 will be no less than one-in-five.


At the time of entry, you must be a Canadian resident, 19 years of age or older, enrolled at a Canadian postsecondary institution, and in compliance with the contest rules and regulations.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

To be eligible for Phase 1 of the contest, contestants must agree to the “Consent and agreement,” complete the SSHRC Student Challenge uecure Upload and electronically submit their Phase 1 submission by way of the SSHRC Storytellers secure upload between January 9, 2017, at 10 a.m., Eastern Time and January 31, 2017, at 4:59 p.m., Eastern Time (the “Phase 1 closing date”). It is the sole responsibility of each contestant to ensure all required materials are received by the Sponsor by the Phase 1 Closing Date.

External Deadline

To be eligible for Phase 2 of the Contest, Contestants must be one of the twenty-five (25) finalists from Phase 1, and must present, in person, a version of their Phase 1 submission at an event at the 2017 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Toronto, Ontario (“Storytellers Showcase”).

For Questions, please contact

Participant questions should be addressed to Storytellers@sshrc-crsh.gc.ca.

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Social Sciences