
Canadian Water Network (CWN)

For More Information

For more information, please go to the CWN website, CIHR website and Office of Research Services websites.


Apply to CWN for support to your research team and to develop your proposal. CWN is currently working with its national community to maximize the value achieved through the recently announced Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) Environments and Health Signature InitiativeIntersectoral Prevention Research funding opportunity.  CWN has identified the area of intersectoral prevention strategies to address impacts of hydraulic fracturing on Aboriginal communities as a strategic opportunity to advance CWN goals and has launched this process to identify a national team it will support in submitting a proposal to CIHR.


CWN is seeking to identify and select a single academically-led national team for which we will provide our direct support and partnership in developing the strongest possible proposal for submission to the CIHR funding opportunity in this identified area.

Funding Availability

CWN is not providing additional funds through this process, although intended activities include direct assistance to the successful team in attracting additional partner funding. 


CWN’s support of the successful team identified through this process may include any or all of the following:

  • CWN expert support in facilitation and development of proposal approach and structure.
  • Access to CWN’s network and assistance in securing additional partners and partner contributions (e.g., cash, in-kind, letters of support) to supplement existing partner and community relationships of the successful team.
  • Assistance with managing team communications and proposal development.
  • Administrative support and event coordination.
  • Provision of links to renowned experts in relevant disciplines to supplement the team’s own expertise.
  • CWN partnership on the full application to CIHR

Project Duration

up to 5 years

Special Notes

Given the short timeline between CWN notification of support and CIHR’s application deadline (2 weeks), teams are strongly encouraged to begin preparing their CIHR letter of intent application as soon as possible, rather than waiting until after CWN notification of support to begin the process. For more information on CIHR’s application process, refer to the CIHR Team Grant: Environments and Health: Intersectoral Prevention Research funding opportunity website.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

How to Apply

To be submitted by applicant directly to CWN using application form available on CWN website.

For Questions, please contact

Janice Levangie
519-888-4567 ext. 39354

Office of Research

Annette Clarke, Grants Officer
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x56927

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences