Three Candidates for OAC Dean to Give Public Lectures

October 22, 2007 - Campus Bulletin

The selection committee for dean of the Ontario Agricultural College will present three candidates to the University community in November. All presentations will be held in Room 1714 of the Ontario Veterinary College's Lifetime Learning Centre.

Candidates will give a 20-minute talk outlining their background, experience and accomplishments that are particularly relevant to the position of dean, as well as the challenges and opportunities facing OAC.

A question-and-answer period will follow each presentation. The sessions will be videotaped, and the tapes will be available by calling Kim McCaughan at Ext. 53846 or in the provost’s office, Room 424 of the University Centre.

U of G graduate Robert Gordon, dean of research at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College and a Canada Research Chair, will speak Nov. 1 at 2:30 p.m.

Michael Trevan, dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the University of Manitoba and a former provost and research director at the University of Westminster in the United Kingdom, will speak Nov. 9 at 9:30 a.m.

Samuel Black, head of the Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences and professor of molecular and cell biology and microbiology at the University of Massachusetts, will speak Nov. 12 at 10:30 a.m.

A brief biography for each candidate is available online, and full curricula vitae are available through the provost's office.

Members of the University community are encouraged to attend the public lectures and to provide written comments to the selection committee. Comments must be received by Dec. 4 and can be directed to the committee by mail or by e-mail. All comments will be held in strict confidence and will be shared with the committee in full, provided the writer is identified. Anonymous comments will not be reviewed.

The OAC dean reports to the provost and vice-president (academic). Among other things, the dean's mandate is to provide outstanding leadership; oversee academic planning, development, faculty recruitment and budget management; and work with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs on the enhanced partnership.

Members of the OAC dean search committee are: Prof. Karen Landman, Environmental Design and Rural Development; Prof. Barry Shelp, Plant Agriculture; Prof. Chris Hall, Environmental Biology; Jennifer Kingswell, Plant Agriculture; undergraduate student Andrew Bowman; College of Arts dean Don Bruce; and Prof. Paulette Pandanyi, chair of the Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies.

University of Guelph
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Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1