Desmarais Reappointed AVPA

July 09, 2012 - Campus Bulletin

Prof. Serge Desmarais has been reappointed associate vice-president (academic) for a five-year term, beginning in December. The decision follows a review by a committee of faculty, students and staff chaired by Prof. Maureen Mancuso, provost and vice-president (academic).

Mancuso praised Desmarais’s relationship-building, enthusiasm, and accessibility. “Serge has overseen the recommendations of the 21st Century Curriculum Committee, and the University needs him to play a leadership role in continuing to press for undergraduate curriculum innovation across campus,” she said.

“His reappointment will allow him to continue the process, taking our reputation in this area to the next level as he works with stakeholders on Guelph’s teaching and learning initiatives.”

Mancuso said the review committee received many letters of support for Desmarais’s reappointment.

As associate vice-president (academic), Desmarais is responsible for all undergraduate programs, including those at U of G’s regional campuses and the University of Guelph-Humber.

He has overseen the launch of new initiatives and increased internationalization of the curriculum. He co-supervises the Quality Assurance process as required by the provincial government; chairs the Council on Undergraduate Academic Advising; and oversees the Centre for Open Learning and Educational Support.

“I look forward to furthering the process of academic renewal,” Desmarais says.

“We’re working to create a more engaging, flexible and innovative undergraduate curriculum, and it’s great to have the opportunity to continue for a second term.”

A faculty member since 1995, Desmarais has served as acting department chair and acting dean of the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences (CSAHS). He has received teaching awards from the U of G Faculty Association and CSAHS. Earlier, he taught at Wilfrid Laurier University and Saint Mary’s University in Halifax.

He studies gender issues and interpersonal relationships, social media and workplace issues, including social justice and income entitlement. He also consults with public and private organizations.

He has written and co-written a number of scholarly papers and two introductory psychology textbooks, and is former associate editor of the journal Canadian Psychology.

Desmarais earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in social psychology from the University of Waterloo.

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