AD-S Virtual:
This course will be taught online in a Synchronous format on the following scheduled day(s) and time(s):
MW 10:30 am - 11:20 am
Seminar T01 W 12:30-1:20
Seminar T02 T 4:30-5:20
Seminar T03 T 10:30-11:20
Seminar T04 W 12:30-1:20
Seminar T05 W 3:30-4:20
Seminar T06 W 4:30-5:20
Details provided by instructor: Course delivery will be a mix of synchronous (live, remote lectures and live, remote seminar discussions online) and asynchronous (archived supplementary materials and discussion posts) components. There will hopefully be a 50-minute live lecture each week and a similar length live seminar most weeks.
Calendar Description
This course studies selected events and issues in pre-Confederation Canadian history including political, economic, social, and cultural developments.
Course Synopsis
This course studies political, economic, social, and cultural developments, including the intertwined Indigenous histories, in the lands now known as Canada. It examines selected events and issues from before 1500 to about 1867. Students will have the opportunity to explore topics further on an individual, more detailed and creative basis in their written assignments. The course aims to expand students’ understanding of the social, economic, environmental, and political aspects of the historical development of the peoples and societies that occupied the territories now brought together in Canadian Confederation. This course is a core requirement of the History Major or Minor. Please consult the undergraduate calendar, Section X “Degree Programs” for full details.
Method of Evaluation and Weights
- 20%: Seminar Participation (includes class discussion and discussion board posts)
- 10%: Quizzes (4 X 2.5% each)
- 10%: Short Written Assignment
- 30%: Primary Source Based Essay
- 30%: Final Examination (take home)
Texts Required
We can’t help you with tuition, but we can help on textbook coasts. There will be a general Canadian history text and a second set of readings for seminar discussions. We will be using this free online course textbook: John Belshaw, Canadian History: Pre-Confederation. (Victoria, B.C.: BCcampus, 2015). Seminar readings will be made available on course reserve.
*Please note: This is a preliminary website description only. The department reserves the right to change without notice any information in this description. The final, binding course outline will be distributed in the first class of the semester.