Displaying Results: [321 - 330] of 490

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Balzan Prize 2023

Every year, four Balzan Prizes are awarded to scholars and scientists who are distinguished in their fields on an international level. The aim of the Balzan Prize is to foster culture, the sciences and the most outstanding humanitarian initiatives of peace and brotherhood among peoples,...

1 year 10 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
Global Energy Prize 2023

The “Global Energy” international energy prize is awarded for outstanding scientific research and scientific-technical developments in the field of energy which promote greater efficiency and environmental security for energy sources on Earth in the interests of all. The “Global Energy” prize...

1 year 10 months ago
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
SSHRC Impact Awards 2023

SSHRC Impact Awards are designed to build on and sustain Canada’s research-based knowledge culture in the social sciences and humanities. The awards recognize outstanding researchers and celebrate their achievements in research, research training, knowledge mobilization and outreach activities...

1 year 10 months ago
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences
NSERC Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering 2023

NSERC is seeking nominations of research teams for the Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering. This prize recognizes outstanding Canadian teams of researchers from different disciplines who have combined their expertise to produce achievements of...

1 year 10 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
NSERC Synergy Awards for Innovation 2023

The Synergy Awards for Innovation honours outstanding research and development partnerships between a university (or college) and industry/NGOs/public sector, in the natural sciences and engineering. Winners of the awards show effective use of human, technical and financial resources, leading to...

1 year 10 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
NSERC John C. Polanyi Award 2023

The NSERC John C. Polanyi Award was created to recognize and support a university researcher or team of researchers whose work has led to a recent outstanding Canadian advance in a field of the natural sciences or engineering. The research leading to the advance must have been...

1 year 10 months ago
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
NSERC Donna Strickland Prize for Societal Impact of Natural Sciences and Engineering Research 2023

The NSERC Donna Strickland Prize for Societal Impact of Natural Sciences and Engineering Research is awarded annually to an individual or team whose outstanding research, conducted in Canada in the natural sciences and engineering (NSE), has led to exceptional benefits for Canadian society,...

1 year 10 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
NSERC Gerhard Herzberg Canada Medal 2023

The Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering, NSERC’s highest honour, recognizes research contributions characterized by both excellence and influence—two qualities that defined Dr. Herzberg's illustrious career. It is awarded annually to an individual who has demonstrated...

1 year 10 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
NSERC Awards for Science Promotion 2023

The NSERC Awards for Science Promotion focus on people and groups who are inspirational in the way they promote science to the general public.

Science promotion activities with award potential could include activities such as:

  • Organizing science camps...
1 year 10 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
Governor General's International Award in Canadian Studies 2023

The Governor General's International Award for Canadian Studies is intended for a scholar who has made an outstanding contribution to scholarship and to the development of Canadian Studies internationally.

1 year 10 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences