Displaying Results: [1261 - 1270] of 2084

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Green Heat: Low Carbon Energy Generation for Heating Existing Buildings

In the Summer of 2021, the Green Heat: Low Carbon Energy Generation for Heating Existing Buildings Test Drive...

3 years 7 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Pre-Announcement and Funding Opportunities - Medical Research

FY21 Pre-announcements released:


Gulf War Illness Research Program (GWIRP)

  • Idea Award
  • Research Advancement Award
  • Clinical Evaluation Award
  • Therapeutic/Biomarker Trial Award
  • New Investigator Award



3 years 7 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Faculty Information Exchange Series 2020-21: Faculty intellectual property journeys - challenges and learnings along the way

Seminar will be led by: 

  • Emma Allen-Vercoe, Professor & Canada Research Chair, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology 
  • Graham Taylor, Associate Professor, School of Engineering 
  • Byram Bridle, Associate Professor, Department of Pathobiology 
  • ...
3 years 7 months ago Workshops and Events
How to Demonstrate the Value of Your Research: Advantage Workshop

Presented by: Amy Skeoch

This interactive online workshop introduces U of G research teams to tools that will allow them to clearly communicate the potential impact of their work and enable them to write value-focused grant applications. Teams will also discover how clear communication...

3 years 7 months ago Workshops and Events
Op-Ed Writing Workshop for U of G Researchers - Advantage Workshop

The University of Guelph’s Research Innovation Office is pleased to offer a virtual workshop about "Op-Eds", otherwise known as “Opposite the Editor” or “Opinion piece”.

Guest Speaker: Saskia Brussaard of Crave Communications

During this online workshop, participants will learn...

3 years 7 months ago Workshops and Events
Canadian Poultry Research Council - 2021 Call for Letters of Intent

CPRC made changes for the 2016 call and will maintain these changes for the 2021 call.  The research categories previously used were unable to accommodate some new initiatives in poultry research (i.e.: climate change, smart agriculture, precision agriculture). 

The CPRC Board of...

3 years 7 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Egg Farmers of Alberta - 2021 Call for Proposals

Egg Farmers of Alberta (EFA) is pleased to invite applications of research and development in areas that address targeted industry priorities. The targeted priority areas were established in 2019 by farmers in consultation with researchers and value chain partners.

Targeted research...

3 years 7 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Skills for Research Impact: Stakeholder Engagement

Skills for Research Impact is a workshop series for University of Guelph faculty, research staff and graduate students interested in enhancing the impact of their research. Through five core sessions facilitated by impact experts, participants will learn how to successfully plan, execute and...

3 years 7 months ago Workshops and Events
Mitacs-Scotiabank Economic Resilience Research Fund: Call for Expression of Interest

To further the understanding of economic resilience, Scotiabank and Mitacs have partnered to create the Scotiabank Economic Resilience Research Fund (SERRF). This $300,000 partnership over three years will support research to advance economic resilience in communities across Canada. 


3 years 7 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Influential Women in Canadian Agriculture

The program was created in 2020 in an effort to recognize the crucial and evolving role of women in agriculture, from farming to research, to community outreach, technology and more.

This year, the team will highlight six women from across various disciplines in agriculture and share...

3 years 7 months ago Honours and Awards