Displaying Results: [1171 - 1180] of 1818

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Health System Research Fund 2016/17 Program Awards Launch Webcast

The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) is pleased to announce the launch date of the Health System Research Fund (HSRF) Program Awards will be June 22, 2015.

MOHLTC will also offer a webcast launch event on June 29, 2015 from 1:30-3:00 pm,...

9 years 3 months ago Workshops and Events
Health Canada: Substance Use and Addictions Program Call for Proposals

Health Canada's Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP) is pleased to invite eligible organizations to submit applications to support evidence-informed and innovative health promotion, prevention, harm reduction and treatment initiatives to address substance use issues related to legal and...

5 years 4 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Harkness Fellowships 2024

Harkness Fellowships offer a unique opportunity for promising mid-career professionals who share our passion for safe and high-quality healthcare — including health and social service providers, researchers, policy-makers, journalists and others with improvement experience. Fellows spend a year...

11 months 2 hours ago Honours and Awards
H & S – Grant in Aid 2014 -2015

The HSF Grant-in-Aid (GIA) program provides operating funds to support important, pertinent, novel research in the areas of heart disease and stroke. GIA funding promotes research discovery, exploration and innovation across all health research themes. Research is supported across the four...

9 years 2 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Gulf War Illness, Lung Cancer, and Peer Reviewed Medical Research Programs

The following Fiscal Year 2021 program announcements have been released:


Gulf War Illness Research Program (GWIRP):

  • Idea Award
  • Research Advancement Award
  • Clinical Evaluation Award
  • ...
3 years 6 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Guidelines for Human Participant Face-to-Face Research

The University recognizes that face-to-face human participant research is a vital part of our research enterprise. As we come out of the provincial lockdown and move back to being led by Ontario’s  COVID-19 response framework, the University has created...

3 years 6 months ago Research Management and Support
Guelph Talks Research: Relationships

One topic, three takes

Join us for the final session in our Guelph Talks Research series, a lecture series that brings together University Research Awardees to give their take on a single...

6 years 5 months ago Workshops and Events
Guelph Talks Research: Perspective

One topic, three takes

Join us for the fourth in our Guelph Talks Research series, a lecture series that brings together University Research Awardees to give their take on a single topic,...

6 years 6 months ago Workshops and Events
Guelph Talks Research: Food

One topic, three takes

Join us for the third in our Guelph Talks Research series, a lecture series that brings together University Research Awardees to give their take on a single topic,...

6 years 6 months ago Workshops and Events
Guelph Talks Research: Data

One topic, three takes

Join us for the second in our Guelph Talks Research series, a lecture series that brings together University Research Awardees to give their take on a single topic,...

6 years 6 months ago Workshops and Events