
OCE on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science


Ontario-Jiangsu Industrial Research and Development Program (OJIRDP)

For More Information

For more information, please visit the OJIRDP program page on the OCE website.


Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) is pleased to announce, on behalf of the Government of Ontario, that the second round of the Ontario-Jiangsu Industrial Research and Development Program (OJIRDP) is now open for applications.  Launched in late 2016, OJIRDP fosters opportunities for international industry-academic R&D collaborations that have an impact in both Ontario and in the Jiangsu province of China.  

Expression of Interest (EOI) intake begins on November 10, 2017 and ends on January 15, 2018.

A partnership of the Jiangsu Science and Technology Department (JSTD), Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) and the Ontario Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science (MRIS), OJIRDP will support projects leading to commercial success and socio-economic benefits for both jurisdictions.


Funding is open, on a competitive basis, to:

In Ontario: R&D performing companies or publicly-funded post-secondary institutions (universities, colleges or research hospitals) operating in Ontario. 

In Jiangsu: R&D performing Jiangsu registered companies operating in Jiangsu. 

Funding Availability

OCE will support up to 50% of the eligible research costs, to a maximum of $125,000 CAD per project for academic applicants for the Ontario portion of the project. JSTD will support up to 50% of the eligible research costs, to a maximum of ¥1 million RMB per project, for the Jiangsu portion of the project. The maximum total grant amount, including OCE and JSTD contributions, to be received by a project is $275,000 CAD.

  • Contributions by OCE and JSTD must be matched at least 1:1 in cash and/or in-kind by applicants/partners in Ontario and Jiangsu, respectively; i.e. to receive the maximum grant amount, the Ontario applicant/partner(s) must provide at least $125,000 CAD and the Jiangsu applicant and/or partner(s) must also provide at least $150,000 CAD.

Indirect Costs


Special Notes

Researchers invited to full proposal must submit with their applications a letter of intent (“LOI”) signed by all applicants and partners detailing intellectual property rights and commercialization strategy for the product or process. If the project is funded, a fully executed IP Sharing Agreement or Collaborative Research Agreement must be incorporated as Schedule D (Intellectual Property Term Sheet) in the OCE Funding Agreement to be executed by OCE and the Applicant. Applicants are strongly advised to begin negotiation of the terms of the IP Sharing Agreement immediately after submission of an EOI in order to meet the Application deadline. Please contact ORS for assistance in negotiating IP terms.

A copy of University of Guelph's standard Schedule D - IP terms is available on the ORS website.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

An open call for the submission of expression of interest to the program are being accepted from November 10, 2017 until January 15, 2018. Researchers are asked to submit a copy of their EOI to the Office of Research Services for information purposes only. 

Note: Researchers invited to full proposal must submit with their applications a letter of intent (“LOI”) signed by all applicants and partners detailing intellectual property rights and commercialization strategy for the product or process. If the project is funded, a fully executed IP Sharing Agreement or Collaborative Research Agreement must be incorporated as Schedule D (Intellectual Property Term Sheet) in the OCE Funding Agreement to be executed by OCE and the Applicant. Applicants are strongly advised to begin negotiation of the terms of the IP Sharing Agreement immediately after submission of an EOI in order to meet the Application deadline. Please contact ORS for assistance in negotiating IP terms.

Internal Deadline

Researchers invited to submit a full proposal: Please submit your application along with an OR-5 Form to research.services@uoguelph.ca.

How to Apply

Preparing the Expression of Interest (EOI)

Preparing the Full Application

  • Only applicants invited to submit full applications will be provided access to complete the application on OCE’s online AccessOCE system. A sample of the application template is available
    Download instructions to complete the application.
  • Prior to submission, applicants MUST first request their OCE Business Development Manager (BD) to provide an endorsement of the application for eligibility and suitability. Once the endorsement is provided, the applicant or BD will then be able to submit the application. Please allow at least one week for the BD endorsement step to be completed prior to the submission deadline.
  • All submitted applications must be accompanied by a letter of intent (“LOI”) signed by all applicants and partners detailing intellectual property rights and commercialization strategy for the product or process. If the project is funded, a fully executed IP Sharing Agreement or Collaborative Research Agreement must be incorporated as Schedule D (Intellectual Property Term Sheet) in the OCE Funding Agreement to be executed by OCE and the Applicant. Applicants are strongly advised to begin negotiation of the terms of the IP Sharing Agreement immediately after submission of an EOI in order to meet the Application deadline.
  • The Jiangsu applicant will be also required to submit the National Application Form in accordance with JSTD regulations, through an online system upon further notice by JSTD. All completed Ontario applications must be received by OCE no later than the application deadline. Late and/or incomplete applications will not be accepted. 

Information For Co-applicants

If you need to meet a deadline set by the lead institution for this opportunity, please ensure that you provide the Office of Research with at least five days in advance of the lead institution’s deadline to review the application, or your proposed component of the project. Please be in touch with the Office of Research (contact information below) ahead of the deadline if it looks like it will be difficult for you to submit all the required documentation on time (i.e. budget, proposal, OR-5 Form).

For Questions, please contact

Angela Fong
Program Manager
P: 416-861-1092 ext. 1071
E: angela.fong@oce-ontario.org.

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering