Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR).
Clinical Translation Pathway - Request for Applications.
To accelerate translational cancer research so that precise, impactful and cost-effective treatments can benefit cancer patients, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) has implemented a new Clinical Translation Pathway (CTP). The CTP will support practice-changing research in biomarkers, diagnostics and therapeutics that will advance early detection and intervention research and have a clear path to the clinic and clinical impact. It will focus on primary-diagnosed or early recurrent cancers. The pathway will be fueled by innovations emerging from OICR-supported research and from research originating from across the province of Ontario.
The CTP consists of separate funding streams that support preclinical, clinical, and convergent research. OICR is currently inviting applications for the following two funding streams:
- Pre-Clinical Acceleration Team Awards (Pre-CATA): Supports pre-clinical projects with a clear path to the clinic, with a focus on pre-clinical development of biomarkers, diagnostics and therapeutics.
- Clinical Acceleration Team Awards (CATA): Supports early phase (I-II), prospective, biomarker-rich trials for clinical validation of biomarkers, diagnostics and therapeutics.
For eligibility details, please review the program guidelines on their website for the funding stream of interest.
Funding Availability
Pre-Clinical Acceleration Team Awards (Pre-CATA):
- Funding available: $250,000 per year for up to three years. OICR anticipates supporting up to eight Pre-CATA projects.
Clinical Acceleration Team Awards (CATA):
- Funding available: $500,000 per year for up to three years. OICR anticipates supporting up to eight CATA trials.
Indirect Costs
OICR will provide up to 30 per cent with respect to eligible direct research expenses of the approved proposal to cover institutional overhead.
The host institution will not be eligible for reimbursement of overhead costs for Projects/Sub Projects from any other Government of Ontario funds. If an overhead amount of less than 30 percent is requested, this must be detailed in the host institution Letter of Support as part of the proposal submission process.
Project Duration
Up to three years.
Special Notes
Please note that research activities carried out in the context of COVID-19 need to adhere to the University of Guelph COVID-19 research principles, policies, guidelines and processes as they may be updated from time to time and communicated on the Office of Research web-page.
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
External Deadline | Interested applicants are encouraged to attend the one-hour info session to learn more about this program. To register, please fill out this form. | |
Internal Deadline | Please submit the completed LOI form along with a signed OR-5 form to research.services@uoguelph.ca. Please note: A Notice of Intent (NOI) must be submitted prior to gaining access to the full Letter of Intent (LOI) form. The information provided in the NOI can be updated prior to submitting the LOI. The deadline for submission of the NOI is the same as the deadline for LOI submission; however, applicants are encouraged to submit their NOI as early as possible to assist with planning. | |
External Deadline | Applicant to submit LOI using OICR's Grant Management System, ReportNet. Qualified applicants will be invited to submit a full application. Please inform research.services@uoguelph.ca if you are invited to submit a full application. | |
Internal Deadline | Please submit the full application package to research.services@uoguelph.ca. | |
External Deadline | Applicant to submit full application using OICR's Grant Management System, ReportNet. |
How to Apply
Submissions are a three-step process, including a Notice of Intent (NOI), Letter of Intent (LOI), and a full application. NOIs, LOIs, and full applications are to be submitted online, using OICR’s Grant Management System ReportNet.
To register for an account, visit the website. Existing ReportNet users should contact the OICR Scientific Secretariat to update their user profile to gain access to the funding opportunities. Once an account has been created, applicants can log into their account to view OICR funding opportunities and the associated RFAs (at the bottom of the screen under ‘Funding Opportunities’). Competitions which are currently accepting applications will have a green ‘Apply Now’ button. Use the ‘Apply Now’ button to initiate an application. The OICR Scientific Secretariat is available to help with any questions regarding the online process. Their contact information is provided below.
For information on the program requirements and submission process, please visit their website.
Attachment | Size |
Pre-CATA Application Guidelines | 807.91 KB |
CATA Application Guidelines | 669.91 KB |