
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

For More Information

For additional information, please visit the SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grants website for:

  • Program guidelines 
  • Application forms
  • Evaluation criteria


SSHRC and Infrastructure Canada (INFC) have launched this Knowledge Synthesis Grants (KSG) competition to mobilize social sciences and humanities research to examine and synthesize existing knowledge on mobility and public transit issues. Grant holders will identify research gaps and opportunities and their work will inform and guide policy-makers and service providers responsible for public transit at the community level.

Public transit represents the largest funding area under INFC’s Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program. It also represents a key piece of Canada’s core public infrastructure, one that has immediate implications for the social, environmental, and economic well-being of urban and rural communities. This Knowledge Synthesis Grants funding opportunity will identify critical gaps in existing knowledge to guide future research related to urban and rural mobility issues in Canada. By identifying best practices, lessons learned and indicators of success, the resulting syntheses may inform the development of effective tools, robust policies and sustainable practices that support the transit needs of urban and rural communities.

Most SSHRC funding is awarded through open competitions. Proposals can involve any disciplines, thematic areas, approaches or subject areas eligible for SSHRC funding. See the guidelines on subject matter eligibility for more information.

Projects whose primary objective is curriculum development are not eligible for funding under this funding opportunity.


Applications can be submitted by an individual researcher or a team of researchers (consisting of one applicant and one or more co-applicants and/or collaborators).

Applicants must be affiliated with an eligible Canadian institution before funding can be released. Researchers who maintain an affiliation with a Canadian institution, but whose primary affiliation is with a non-Canadian postsecondary institution, are not eligible for applicant status.

Applicants who have received a SSHRC grant of any type but have failed to submit an achievement report by the deadline specified in their Notice of Award are not eligible to apply for another SSHRC grant until they have submitted the report.

Postdoctoral researchers are eligible to be applicants if they have formally established an affiliation with an eligible institution at the time of application, and maintain such an affiliation for the duration of the grant period.

Funding Availability

funding available for up to 10 grants

Maximum Project Value

$30,000 per grant

Knowledge mobilization activities (that is, conference presentations and outreach activities) can take place throughout the year. All synthesis reports must be completed by November 2021, prior to the one-day forum.

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

One year

Special Notes

Please note that research activities carried out in the context of COVID-19 need to adhere to the University of Guelph COVID-19 research principles, policies, guidelines and processes as they may be updated from time to time and communicated on the Office of Research web-page.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Applicant to submit a copy of application along with a signed OR5 form to: research.services@uoguelph.ca

NOTE:  Application must be submitted online on or before the internal deadline in order to avoid being considered a late application.

External Deadline

Applicants must complete the application form in accordance with accompanying instructions.

 Applications will be submitted electronically by an authorized research grants officer in the Office of Research Services.

For Questions, please contact



Office of Research

Ornella McCarron, Grants Officer
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x52832

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Social Sciences