Updated Information

Internal Deadline changed from December 1, 2020 to January 18, 2021


University of Guelph


The intent of the Research Leadership Chairs is to provide an additional tool by which to recognize faculty members who have achieved significant research recognition both nationally and internationally, acknowledging the UG commitment to enhancing diversity in research leadership. These faculty may already be recipients of external honours, and the Research Leadership Chair further recognizes their contribution to both University reputation and advances within their discipline.


Research Leadership Chairs recognize research excellence of mid- to late-career-stage faculty who have proven records of distinguished and sustained scholarly work.

Research excellence is recognized as scholarly output that is demonstrably internationally impactful within the nominee’s discipline. This may include published works, but may also comprise other forms of scholarly output, research-related knowledge mobilization, research-derived innovation, and training of highly qualified personnel.

The candidate should be someone who has already received significant recognition on both a national and international level. 

Research Leadership Chairs will reflect equity, diversity, and inclusion in Canadian society.


To be eligible, a faculty member must minimally hold the title of Associate Professor. It is anticipated that many Research Leadership Chairs will be Full Professors. Faculty can only receive a Research Leadership Chair once during their employment, but, if they have not been awarded a Research Leadership Chair previously, they can be nominated as many times as a College wishes to nominate.


Recipients of Research Leadership Chairs hold the title for three years. Each college will hold up to two Research Leadership Chairs, with 14 in total held across the University at any given time.

Research Leadership Chairs are not renewable and can only be held once during employment at the University.

During tenure of the Chair, Research Leadership Chairs receive $15,000 per annum in research funds from the University. Colleges may wish to augment this award (e.g., additional research funds, course release). Recipients of Research Leadership Chairs will be recognized (feted) at an annual research recognition event.

Each recipient will provide two public lectures, organized by the Office of Research, for a general audience, based on their research.

Each Research Leadership Chair will be expected to submit a one-page annual report indicating how the research funds were used in support of their research.

Special Notes

Each college must place a premium on equity, diversity, and inclusion in their selection of Research Leadership Chairs. The pair of Research Leadership Chairs in any given college must include at least one person who self identifies with a gender-identity, equity-seeking group (including women and people who self-identify with a minority gender identity such as transgender or non-binary).   Each college runs their own selection process for nominees. Colleges can decide how many nominations they wish to receive for review, and how nominations are evaluated prior to submission for approval by the Provost and VPR.   Colleges review the departmental / school nominees and nominate individuals to fill up to a total of two Research Leadership Chairs available to their college.  The pair of Research Leadership Chairs in any given college must include at least one person who self-identifies with a gender-identity equity-seeking group (including women and people who self-identify with a minority gender identity such as trans-gender or non-binary).  NOTE: How an individual self-identifies is considered personal and confidential information. Colleges will not disclose self-identification data of nominee or pool of applicants without explicit consent.   Please note that research activities carried out in the context of COVID-19 need to adhere to the University of Guelph COVID-19 research principles, policies, guidelines and processes as they may be updated from time to time and communicated on the Office of Research web-page.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Colleges can submit nomination packages at any time before the Internal Deadline to research.honours@uoguelph.ca 

A nomination package will comprise: 

  • a covering letter from the College Dean in support of the nomination that will detail the nomination process, including measures taken to address systemic barriers;
  • the nomination case letter from the nominator (i.e., the nominee, colleague, or department chair/school director); and
  • the nominee’s CV (in any format)

How to Apply

Nominations for Research Leadership Chairs are submitted by colleges to the Vice-President (Research) and the Provost & Vice-President (Academic). It is expected that colleges give special attention and consideration to equity, diversity, and inclusion, and be prepared to indicate what plans were put in place to ensure that these guidelines have been observed.

Colleges can submit nomination packages to research.honours@uoguelph.ca

Nomination packages will comprise the following:

  •  a covering letter from the College Dean in support of the nomination that will detail the nomination process, including measures taken to address systemic barriers;
  •  the nomination case letter from the nominator (i.e., the nominee, colleague, or department chair/school director); and
  • the nominee’s CV (in any format).

The Vice-President (Research) and the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) will review the nominations for approval.

For more information view the Research Leadership Chairs website


Alert Classifications
Honours and Awards

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences