Acronyms - D

The Dairy Barn is located at the end of Reynolds Walkway on the west side of Gordon Street, behind Animal and Poultry Science.
An international student organization that prepares future leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, management, and other professional areas through case competitions and networking events throughout the year. DECA comes from Distributive Education Clubs of America but the association is normally known by the initials DECA. Information is on the DECA website at
Departmental Advising
Specializations (i.e. Major, Minor, Area of Emphasis within a degree program) are normally assigned a Faculty Advisor to assist students in making academic decisions related to the specific area of study. The Faculty Advisor is familiar with academic requirements of the specialization and career opportunities related to the field of study.
Day Hall Day Hall is located on Winegard Walk next to the Mackinnon Building.
DHR (d - h - r)
The Office of Diversity and Human Rights is dedicated to the removal of all systemic barriers, discrimination and harassment. DHR is located in Fielding House, located at 15 University Avenue East. They can be reached by email at or by phone at 519-824-4120 extension 53000 or 519-822-1131.
Dippers (dip-ers)
A nickname traditionally given to students registered in the two-year associate diploma programs in agriculture and horticulture which are now only offered at the regional campus sites.
Dome, The
See Gryphon Dome, The.
The Data Resource Centre can help and guide you in your search for statistical and geospatial data.
Drew Hall was built in 1882 as the official residence of the Bursar and now houses offices for Hospitality Services. It is named for the University's first Chancellor, George Alexander Drew who served as mayor of the City of Guelph and went on to become the Ontario Conservative Party leader, Premier of Ontario and Minister of Education and federal Progressive Conservative Party leader.
A workshop offered by The Wellness Education Centre that teaches students alcohol knowledge to promote a safer environment.
Drinkwise was a program run by the Wellness Centre that assisted students whose drinking habits are causing problems with their relationships, schoolwork or other areas of their life.
One-semester courses can be dropped without academic penalty until the 40th class day. Two-semester courses can be dropped until the last day of the Add Period of the second semester.
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine is an undergraduate degree program. The DVM website provides information about becoming a veterinarian.