If there are livestock in the hockey arena and they're not wearing skates, it's College Royal. If there are students sawing logs, throwing pies, baking cookies and square dancing, it's College Royal.
Since its inception in 1925 as an agricultural and livestock show run by the Ontario Agricultural College, College Royal has grown to be a celebrated U of G tradition involving all the colleges.
The event is famous in the University community and beyond for its open-house showcase of displays and activities. The largest student-run open house in Canada, it attracts more than 20,000 visitors to campus over one weekend.
College Royal is an event of tradition that reaches into tomorrow. Agriculture and livestock shows are still highlighted events, but College Royal activities have grown to include dog and cat shows, a photography contest, a chemistry magic show and demonstrations on human health and fitness. The open house gives people an opportunity to see what happens in the University's leading-edge research laboratories, to observe veterinary medicine in practice, to tour a sculpture studio or to watch a theatrical performance.

Above Image: College Royal 1960