HIST*3820 Early Modern France Winter 2022
Instructor: Peter A. Goddard
Office & Hours: MCKN 1014; please contact
e-mail: pgoddard@uoguelph.ca [2]
Telephone: 519-824-4120 x54460
Method of Delivery
Time & Place: Monday and Wednesday 4:00-5:20 p.m. in MCKN 228 with virtual synchronous Microsoft Teams (“Hybrid” course; all elements available synchronously; lectures will not be recorded)
Course Description:
This course analyses select themes in Early Modern French history. It constructs knowledge of social and political developments from 1450 to 1750, and develops understanding of early modern French culture, the experience of the people who were part of it and its impact across Europe and the World.
Course materials:
William Beik, A Social and Cultural History of Early Modern France. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009
Natalie Zemon Davis, Society and Culture in Early Modern France. Available as ACLS Humanities E-Book, via Library.
Numerous other readings, including primary materials, are linked to the course website at www.courselink.uoguelph.ca [3], or will be found on Course Reserve at Library. Select primary source excerpts will be available as hard copy in class.
Question Sets: 26%
- Q set 1 Monday 31 January at 23:00
- Q set 2 Monday 28 February at 23:00
Thematic Research project: presentation + essay;
- proposal meeting (group) Week IIII 5% (p/f)
- class presentation (group) Weeks VIII-XI 13%
- essay (individual) 28 March at 23:00 25%
Final Examination: take-home released 13 April (72 hr. window) 31%
**Please note: This is a preliminary web course description only. The department reserves the right to change without notice any information in this description. The final, binding course outline will be distributed in the first class of the semester.**