Course Synopsis:
Hist* 3070 Modern India is a study of the history of modern India from the 18th century to the present day. It examines the major themes and issues on the subject including: the nature of British power in India, Indian reactions to imperialism, socio-religious movements and change in society, the birth of nationalism and the nation-state in India and South Asia, civil society and social issues in a developing nation, regionalism, foreign policy and India‟s place in the 21st century.
Hist* 3070 is intended for students with interest and abilities in the discipline of History and the Humanities, and expects students to think critically, analyze, and be able to research in the discipline of History and the Humanities.
Course Assessment and Weights:
Midterm Examination (In Class Test) 25%
Term Paper (Paper) 35%
(2000 to 2500 words, i.e. 8 to 10 typewritten pages)
Final Examination 40%
Required Texts:
Barbara D. Metcalf and Thomas R. Metcalf, A Concise History of Modern India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. ISBN: 0521639743. Available as electronic resource at Cambridge Org [2]
Stephen Hay, ed., Sources of Indian Tradition, Volume 2: Modern India and Pakistan. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988. ISBN: 0231064152